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Rumor: Deborah Edgerly Wiretapped By Oakland Police; If Calls Are Recorded, They're Not Legal

Yesterday, I was tipped off by an Oakland Resident that the Oakland Police have been wiretapping now-former Chief Administrative Officer Deborah Edgerly and say that the resulting evidence is incrminating. Now, I can't, as of this writing confirm this. It may be a couple of police officers trying to score points with an influential person, but I'm taking the claim seriously.

Why? Well because it comes from people -- Oakland Police -- who can do it. I found this analysis of current California law, which reads:

Both federal and California law enforcement officials may eavesdrop on and record telephone conversations without a court order under the so-called "one party consent provision" (18 USC 2511(2)(s); California Penal Code 633). In other words, if state or federal authorities have the consent of one party to a conversation (such as a government informant), the conversation may be monitored. This provision applies only to eavesdropping by law enforcement officials.

As you read this, the assumption is that the calls were recorded, right? Well, if so, that's illegal under the California Supreme Court case of Flanagan v. Flanagan, March 14, 2002. reports:

California law does not allow tape recording of telephone calls unless all parties to the conversation consent (California Penal Code 632), or they are notified of the recording by a distinct "beep tone" warning (CPUC General Order 107-B(II)(A)(5)). However, tape recordings can legally be made if an individual or members of one's family are threatened with kidnapping, extortion, bribery or another felony involving violence. The person receiving the threats can make a tape recording without informing the other party. (California Penal Code 633.5)

If indeed, the OPD officers are not telling a tall tale -- and I don't think so -- and the calls are recorded, we have a serious problem which indicates that this case is not the slam dunk Oakland City Attorney John Russo thinks it is. If Edgerly's privacy rights were vioated, and she can show that there's reasonable doubt that the City of Oakland followed their own City Charter laws to the letter in the Mayor's treatment of her over the past two months in this matter, then the City may find itself writing the settlement check Russo says will never be written.

If the City observes that I'm not a lawyer, such a comment would be proof of the very arrogance that would cause them to not research all perspectives and thus lose the case. I would not make such a mistake.


erniem saidā€¦
Zennie: You're not a lawyer. Give it up and stop making excuses for Ms. E

If the OPD has telephonic evidence that she has broken the law, maybe she needs to be PROSECUTED, not excused and made into a heroine. Stop making this a black persecution issue and ask yourself why she should get away with using her job to further the members of her family.

O, and Oakland has 5,000 city employees. If there are 200 Edgerly's in Oakland,they represent about .0004% of the total population, and should be employed accordingly. .0004% of 5,000 is TWO EDGERLY's on the payroll.
Zennie saidā€¦
Ernest, the information regarding wiretaps applies to all Calfornians, including yourself.
Zennie saidā€¦
Second, I'm not making excuses for her, if you look at my video. But I also must say that I had to reject one of your comments because it was completely racist, Just a warning. Please temper yourself here.
Steve saidā€¦
If the police have justified a warrant, wiretaps are possible. Did you watch "The Wire"?
erniem saidā€¦

Interesting to see I made a racist comment. I assume it was the one about victimhood. Unfortunately, it was true.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Why is it that whenever someone questions the ethics of a black american they ultimately get labelled a racist? Clearly this woman Edgerly abused her position of power and authority in an attempt to get her relative off a crime charge. She SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED a long time ago.
Dan Preciado saidā€¦
"Clearly". Please tell me what is clear. I am not aware of an investigation and a resulting process of adjudication. Are you? Any or you, who profess her guilt or innocence? It is getting to the point that people believe what they hear immediately, without regard to cleaver notion, placed in the constitution about this thing called "due process" and reason it was placed there. Regarding "victimhood": there can be no victimhood without a victim. To bad that history doesnt align with those who seem to imply that there are/were no victims. They reap what they sow. For the calamities have been so great, the scars do deep, that there is justification in seeing what may not in fact be true; because history and present conditions have taught the victims, that the possibility in not beyond the pale.

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