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Showing posts with the label barry bonds

Oakland's Government Compared To Keystone Cops In Cal Report

In yet another example of piling on, we have the California Report comparing Oakland's governance to a Keystone Cops movie. I'm not sure I'd go that far at all. But 30-year Sacramento veteran and former speaker Willie Brown staffer Bill Cavala -- who has a haircut right from a Keystone Cops movie -- thinks so. In the California Report, Cavala writes: ā€œCronyismā€ is one the charges made about virtually all elected officials. Unlike most work, political activity engenders opponents, those that would like you or your allies out of political office and replaced by themselves or their allies. To protect yourself from those opponents, politicians seek what others find in privacy in the company of people they trust. ā€œLoyaltyā€, a political virtue, really means trustworthy under pressure. So when picking subordinates or employees, those of us in the political world add ā€œloyaltyā€ to the list of attributes we look for ā€“ along with skills, intelligence, judgment that everyone looks ...