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Showing posts with the label Lynne Johnson

Lynne Johnson - Palo Alto Police Chief Resigns Amid Accusations of Racial Profiling : Indybay

Palo Alto Police Chief Resigns Amid Accusations of Racial Profiling : Indybay : ā€œOn November 20, the City of Palo Alto announced that its controversial police chief will retire on December 19. Chief Lynne Johnson sparked protests and a November 9 march on the city when she stated that she had instructed officers on her force to make "consensual contact" with African American men to counter a crime spike in Palo Alto. ā€Øā€ØHer remarks were quoted in news reports worldwide and the topic of racial profiling became a much discussed issue at subsequent city council meetings. Some city officials took the opportunity to acknowledge that racial profiling exists and must be combatted, while others took the stance that the police chief "merely misspoke". Although the police chief made several attempts at apologizing, many residents of the city and surrounding communities were left wondering why she directed her officers to look for African Americans with do-rags when victims of ...