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Ok, I have not missed a Big Game since, well, I can't remember.  And this one certainly is important for Cal and Stanford's bowl hopes. Frankly, we -- Cal -- has to get out of the Holiday Bowl trap we have been set in for too long. As of this writing, Cal's at 6 and 4 is is bowl-eligible.  Stanford's record is 5 wins, 6 losses and one win away from bowl-reach. The stage is set for what should be one of the best Big Game's ever.   Got your tickets  ? GO BEARS!

Arab - Israeli Conflict...At Cal-Berkeley

Apparently Arab-Israeli aggressions are heating to boiling point in Berkeley.  The Daily Cal reports a Thursday night fight police may call a hate crime: A fight that broke out last Thursday in Eshleman Hall may be classified as a hate crime pending further investigation by police. Police said racial remarks were made during the altercation-a result of Palestinian flags that were hung from a second-floor balcony overlooking a pro-Israel concert-that may cause investigators to classify the fight as a hate crime. "We're looking into the possibility of it being a hate crime, based on the statements (made to police by) Palestinian students," said UCPD Assistant Chief Mitch Celaya. "Clearly these two groups have some conflict."

Cal's Emily Silver Wins The Silver in The 2008 Beijing Olympics!

We hear alot about Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area, where Natalie's a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley -- Cal! But we don't hear alot about heroes like Emily Silver, Natalie's teammate , fellow Cal-grad, and friend. Emily planned and trained to race in the 100 free, 100 fly, 200 free, and 50 free, but because she broke two fingers, Emily qualified for the 4 by 100 relay, where she played a major role in the United States taking the silver medal in that category. Congratulations Emily and GO BEARS!

Judge Barbara Miller Grants Cal Right To Replace Trees - But Opponents Have One Week To File Appeal

Well, the war for the right to alter Cal's Memorial Grove continues; score this battle in the war as a win for U.C. Berkeley . Alameda County Judge Barbara Miller granted Cal the right to replace the trees on Tuesday, but also gave their opponents one week to file an appeal. This has been a long, hard, emotional battle between Cal and The Tree Sitters, who still remain in the trees. I captured part of that battle in a three-part video series . For their part, the Oak Grove Tree Sitters plan a march to Berkeley City Hall Thursday. Here's the schedule from their website (with spelling corrections) : Oak Grove Supporters Plan March to City Hall Thursday July 24th On Thursday the Berkeley City Council will presumably make itā€™s final decision on pursuing an appeal in the UC stadium case. Supporters plan a rally in front of the City Counsel. The plans include: 3:33 pm Meet at Oak grove 4:00 pm March from grove to Council 4:44 pm Rally in front of Counsel Building 5:00 pm...

UC Berkeley Janitors, Parking Attendants, Cooks, and Bus Drivers Strike

If you find you parked your car in the wrong place at UC Berkeley today, this may be the day you're in the clear. Workers went on strike represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union Local 3299, and are being joined by lab techs. The story reported i n the SF Chronicle only refers to a judge's order that was violated not to strike, but it does not refer to the reasons why they did. Sloppy. This story from San Diego's Channel 10 does: UCSD Medical Center custodian Angie Mendoza said union members have been working without a contract since Jan. 31, and have been unsuccessfully negotiating a new contract since last Aug. 31. The union had a one-day strike three years ago, Mendoza said. "It helped a lot," she said. According to union spokesman William Schlitz, demands include a livable wage of at least $15 per hour, a "step pay" system that includes an annual compensation increase, and protection for benefits like...

Cal, Talk To The Damn Tree Protesters So We Can Move On!

Look, now Cal's being down right silly and arrogant. On Sunday, I understand that there was another rally -- I was resting from a busy week -- and that even Berkeley Councilmember Donna Sprng got involved. Now, UC Spokesperson Dan Mogulof seems to imply that the University doesn't want to talk to anyone. Dan Mogulof, just do it. Let's stop this silly game, find something clever and political to say to get them to go home. Why not offer the protesters a chance to be part of the action of planning? It's called a Citizen's Review Commitee. Look, I know Cal can do better. The way Cal's behaving is not what I learned at the Department of City and Regional Planning, where I got my Master's Cal. Cal needs to grow up.

Mike Montgomery Comes To Coach Cal Basketball - BREAKING NEWS

Just days after ousting Coach Ben Braun, the Cal Athletics program is successfully negotiating for former Stanford Cardinal Head Coach and Golden State Warriors Head Coach Mike Montgomery to come to Cal to coach the Men's Basketball program, according to ESPN. When this deal's offically done, it will be a great shot in the arm to a program that needs one. After five years of success, Braun had totally flatlined at Cal; Montgomery brings his amazing record at Stanford accross the Bay to Cal. Mike Montgomery posted a 393-167 record with 12 NCAA tournament appearances in his 18 seasons at Stanford, making him the school's winningest men's basketball coach. Stay tuned.