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Showing posts with the label prop 8

Politically courageous act of the year - SFBG Politics Blog

More at SFBG Politics Blog : ā€œAs the year winds down, Iā€™d like to note what I consider to be the most politically courageous act of 2008: Attorney General Jerry Brownā€™s decision to reverse his position and urge the California Supreme Court to overturn Prop. 8. This was a deeply principled decision that went against Brownā€™s political self-interest considering the fact that heā€™s planning to run governor in a state where a majority has approved Prop. 8. And that political danger was exacerbated by Brownā€™s post-election statement saying he would defend Prop. 8, as attorneys general are generally required to do, opening him up to the dreaded flip-flopper label. But his new position is consistent with important constitutional principles (as I outlined in the Guardian almost a month before Brown adopted his new stance) and well-worth taking a gamble to do whatā€™s right, the kind of act that is all too rare in modern American politics. ā€ -- And I second that award. Jerry Brown did act in a way...

The Prop 8 Issue - Being Black and Gay Are Not The Same

This video will be misunderstood by some just for its title. I ask you to listen to what I say. I'm am against California Proposition 8. I've made videos to show the World how stupid and hateful the people who back the initiative can be. But what does bother me is the discovery that of all groups, African Americans voted more for it than against it. Why? I think one reason is that the message those who were against Prop 8 put out was off-putting to many who are Black. While I agree that gay marriage is a civil rights issue, one can't then make the cognitive leap and say that Blacks and Gays share the same path and past. The reason is simple: if I walk down the street you already have made up your mind how you're going to adress me because of my skin color. That's not true if the person's Gay -- you can't tell by looking. The bottom line is civil rights for all -- but the message that's sent by "No on 8" seems to say that ...