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Showing posts with the label bill clinton

On Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

This is my video blog on the need for Bill Clinton to be part of the Obama for America campaign effort. I feel that Obama can't win without President Clinton's support. But then the Clinton's have some image repair work to do and helping Barack's the best way to do it. ( See more over at Zennie's Zeitgeist. )

Bill Clinton Hugged By Hot Blonde In Mosh-Pit After Speech - President Bill Clinton came to the California State Democratic Convention on Sunday, March 30th to give a speech in support of his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton as she works to add more Superdelegates to her side. After an excellent speech, President Clinton came down to the floor to greet the crowd. As I went over to get a video of his action, and as he made his way toward where I was standing, a Blonde woman bulled past me and got to a place where she was right in front of him and proceeded to give him a hard, long (considering the time), and passionate hug. I have no idea who she was as by the time she did this, I was being pushed by a growing crowd of people behind me who were trying to get closer to Clinton. It was a wild scene. But the whole sight of the Blonde made me think of the Monica Lewinsky matter. Not because of the hug -- I am sure that happens a lot -- but the way she hugge...

Phil Tagami Hosts Bill Clinton Reception At Rotunda Tonight

Phil Tagami Hosts Bill Clinton According to the Oakland Tribune, Bill Clinton is the featured guest of a cocktail reception thrown by Phil Tagami , Managing Partner of California Commercial Group, and to be held at The Rounda this evening. The details from the Trib are below... Former President Bill Clinton will headline a cocktail reception tomorrow night at the Rotunda Building in downtown Oaklandā€™s Frank Ogawa Plaza to raise funds for the presidential campaign of his wife, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton , D-NY. Itā€™s $500 a head, or $2,300 to get into the VIP reception starting half an hour before the 7 p.m. main event. The eventā€™s co-chairs include Clear Channel Outdoor executive and noted Democratic politico Michael Colbruno ; Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums ; attorney Kenneth Katzoff ; state Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata , D-Oakland; Assemblyman Sandre Swanson , D-Oakland; and developer Phil Tagami . And among the hosts for the evening are Oakland City Council P...