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Showing posts with the label art michel

Jane Tyska Foe Art Michel Resigns -Oakland schools police chief leaving - Inside Bay Area

More at Inside Bay Area : ā€œOAKLAND ā€” Art Michel, the Oakland school district police chief who detained a Tribune videographer last fall during a student protest, will leave the department this week, school district spokesman Troy Flint confirmed Tuesday. Flint would not give the reasons behind Michel's departure, saying that it was a personnel matter that had yet to be approved by the school board. But some familiar with the situation say the police chief's resignation might have been triggered ā€” at least, in part ā€” by concerns about compensation and benefits, rather than by his confrontation with photojournalist Jane Tyska on Oct. 31, which was captured on video. Michel retired from the Oakland Police Department as a sergeant in 2003 after 31 years of service. In 2007, he joined the newly resurrected Oakland school district force as a lieutenant and was promoted to interim chief in January 2008. But questions recently arose about Michel's employment in light of his retirem...

Jane Tyska v. Art Michel Alameda County DA Does Not File Charges Against Tyska

Today's Oakland Tribune contains happy news for Oakland Tribune photographer Jane Tyska, myself, and others in the media.  The Alameda County District Attorney has declined to file charges against Tyska, who was wrongly accused of vadalism and inciting a riot by irate Oakland School District Police Chief Art Michel.  Were it not for Tyska's quick thinking to video the entire interaction with Michel,  the officer would have gotten away with filing a false police report and defaming Tyska's character.   I for one and very happy for Jane, almost to tears.  I don't care how that reads, it's not appropriate for anyone in a position of authority, and especially carrying firearms to act in the way Michel did, who reportedly has mistreated Tyska before  .  If you hav not seen the video that was "seen round Oakland" and part of the World, here it is: The next question is what's next? Will the Oakland Tribune file charges? Will Jane? Or is this the en...

Oakland Police Officer Art Michel Has Had "Run-In" With Jane Tyska of Oakland Tribune Before

Remember our blog post featuring a chilling video showing how Oakland Unified School District Police Chief Art Michel verbally abused and detained Oakland Tribune photographer Jane Tyska? To refresh, Chief Michel claims that Tyska hit his police cruiser with her camera, where Tyska says she did not and indeed, the video shows that she was making a video of a protest. Michel used his claim to launch a verbally abusive tirade against Tyska, an event that he's reportedly very remorseful about.   (If you've not seen the video, it's here: Well, I just talked with a good friend of mine who will not be revealed, and who reports that this episode was not the first time Tyska has had a "run-in" -- as my friend put it -- with Art Michel. My source is not clear regarding the reasons for Michel's dislike for Tyska, but it's clear he's got something against her. My source also personally has known Police Chief Michel for some time but has n...