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Showing posts with the label economy

Oakland Partnership: Oakland Economy Can Improve

More at Inside Bay Area : ā€œOAKLAND ā€” Business and civic leaders tried to sound a hopeful message Friday as they met to take stock of Oakland's economy in the midst of a national financial crisis. Their meeting at the Oakland Marriott marked the second anniversary of the creation of a public-private initiative called the Oakland Partnership, designed to attract 10,000 jobs to Oakland over a five-year period. Mayor Ron Dellums joined others in saying the partnership has seen success despite the economic doom and gloom, and that the Obama administration's stimulus package could give Oakland a significant boost.ā€

Senator Barbara Boxer On The Oakland A's at Fundraiser: "I Live In Oakland"

On the way to a fundraiser for Senator Barbara Boxer on Sunday (March 15th 2009), I walked into the Four Seasons Residences on Market Street and boarded an elevator that was already to be occupied by two women just eight steps ahead of me, with their backs to me.  When I boarded the elevator they both turned in conversation, the one closest to me was the person-of-the-hour, Senator Barbara Boxer. Always gracious, Senator Boxer shook my hand, then after a few seconds on the elevator I asked her if she was "going to get involved in keeping the A's in Oakland."  She immediate said "You know, I live in Oakland, and that's important to me."  Boxer stopped short of stating what her action would be, but that response was all I needed to know that it's on her radar screen, and it doesn't spell good news for Lew Wolff because the rest of our talk consisted of me calmly but in cold detail explaining to her how Wolff had treated Oakland with great disrespect, m...

Oakland Tribune Owner MediaNews Group Ranked "Risky Debtor"

Is the Oakland Tribune not far behind the SF Chronicle in lifespan ?  If this report by Editor and Publisher is to be believed:  Moody's Investors Service, the big credit rating agency, on Tuesday launched a new database and quarterly report of companies in the most serious danger of default -- and four newspaper companies are among those on the "Bottom Rung." Each of the four -- Freedom Communications, GateHouse Media Inc. MediaNews Group Inc. and Morris Publishing Group Inc. -- has a "probability of default" ratings that indicate they are at "substantial risk" of missing repayments if a so-called default event is triggered. On average there's about a 25% chance a company given those ratings will default within a year, going into bankruptcy or some other remedy. That means there's a one-quarter chance the Oakland Tribune could stop printing in the near future.  

California Sen. Dennis Hollingsworth, CA lawmakers use campaign contributions for lavish lifestyles

More at Inside Bay Area : ā€œSACRAMENTO ā€” Some California lawmakers haven't let the state's financial calamity keep them from enjoying the good life; they've been using campaign cash for first-class travel abroad, expensive dinners, salon makeovers and visits to luxurious spas. Spending reports filed with the state covering the last three months show: Several lawmakers checked into the Fairmont Hotel on Maui in Hawaii on donors' dimes two days after the start of an emergency session on the budget in November. The lead state senator on budget issues joined colleagues who left the fiscal crisis behind to go to India, where they toured the Taj Mahal and stayed in the Four Seasons and other luxury hotels. The former state Senate leader used campaign donations to pay $2,163 in membership fees to an exclusive Northern California social club.ā€ -- And this explains why our policies seem out of step with the times: the lawmakers don't feel the pain so there's no univers...

Zennie Abraham Takes On CNN's Ali Velshi On Economic Stimulus

For me this was a ton of fun to do. But it's even better when someone takes time to let folks know you did a great job. Such was the case with the CNN iReport and, who contacted me regarding my question for CNN's Ali Velshi on what he thought of giving $3,500 to each American taxpayer under $100,000. Here's the video: Embedded video from CNN Video This is what CNN iReport's Rachel8 wrote : Would you go head-to-head with CNN's top economic expert on an economic stimulus plan? How about live on the air? Fearless iReport superstar Zennie Abraham did. After submitting an iReport suggesting a taxpayer stimulus package, he discussed his plan with CNN chief business correspondent Ali Velshi on Velshi said the plan -- which calls for a $3,500 stimulus check to those making less than $100,000 a year -- was not targeted enough to work. But Zennie courageously defended his idea. "I disagree, with all due respect," he said to Vels...

Oakland Tribune Owner MediaNews Group In Trouble - San Francisco Business Times:

More at San Francisco Business Times: : ā€œMoody's Investors Services on Thursday rated MediaNews Group Inc. -- owner of 29 newspapers in Northern California -- as being in ā€œsubstantial riskā€ of default on its debt. Denver-based MediaNews owns the Oakland Tribune, the Contra Costa Times, the Argus in Fremont, and the San Jose Mercury News, among other local papers. The ratings service downgraded its ā€œcorporate family ratingā€ of the privately held media company to Caa3 from B3 on $962 million in debt. It also lowered its ā€œprobability of defaultā€ rating to Caa3 from Caa1.ā€ -- And the Trib's plan to charge money to online readers for content access is not going to stop this slide.

David Cohen Latest Bay Area News Layoff Victim - Editor and Publisher

More at Editor and Publisher : ā€œCHICAGO David Cohen founded the newspaper group in California that became Silicon Valley Community Newspapers (SVCN), and became its principal owner and CEO when it was spun off as a separate group. It grew from six to 11 weeklies. When Cohen sold SVCN to Knight Ridder, he stayed on as group publisher and retained the position when the weeklies ended up with MediaNews Group as part of its acquisition of the San Jose Mercury News. But now Cohen joins the large ranks of newspaper veterans laid off by the brutal industry economy. In a literal exit interview with his newspaper, the publisher told reporter Dale Bryant he understood the move. ā€

Oakland Survey Shows Young People Want Jobs :

More from The Oakland Post : ā€œThe young people based their findings, which they presented to board members Nov. 18, on a survey they conducted of 1,000 youth in West Oakland, Sobrante Park, Cherryland and Ashland. In West Oakland, 91 percent said drugs were a problem, and 8 percent said violence was a problem. In Sobrante Park, 73 percent said violence and drugs were a problem. When asked how violence can be stopped, the majority of young people said they needed more jobs, sports and dance groups, and a recreation center,ā€ -- Old news at the Post, but needs to see the light of day.

Barack Obama On Meet The Press - The Activist President-Elect

Barack Obama On Meet The Press - The Activist President-Elect : ā€œPresident-Elect Barack Obama appeared on the last "Meet The Press" hosted by Tom Brokaw who filed-in masterfully to take the place of Tim Russert after Russert's untimely death earlier this year. On the telecast, Obama presented a plan which can be summed-up as the "Activist President." The convergence of economic problems and President Bush's horrible performance has paved the way for an economically aggressive agenda by Obama that's the child of necessity.ā€

When The Economy Gets Bad, The Streets Get Bad - Oakland Tribune

Two more robberies in Oakland: Residents stabbed, pistol-whipped in Oakland home invasion robberies By William Brand and Angela Hart Oakland Tribune Article Last Updated: 09/11/2008 06:45:31 PM PDT OAKLAND ā€” Police are investigating two apparently unrelated violent home invasion robberies Wednesday in Oakland's Dimond district. One of the incidents occurred about 10:15 p.m. in the 3600 block of Laguna Avenue, where a man, 35, and a woman, 24, were stabbed. Residents of the house told police three men wearing masks confronted them. It was unclear how they entered the house, but the victims tried to resist and were overpowered. At least one resident was tied up. The bandits escaped with $2,000 in cash, a video game and a cell phone. They fled in a white vehicle, possibly an SUV, police said. The stabbing victims were taken to a local hospital, where they were in stable condition, police said. The man was stabbed in the back and pistol-whipped. The woman was stabbed in the leg. The ot...