More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! On I'm starting to get the impression that BART's workers are out of touch with the common person in the San Francisco Bay Area. According to the average union worker makes about $115,000 a year . By contrast, BART riders have an average income of just over $55,000. That means the striking union workers are doing well, and the average BART rider's just getting by in the expensive Bay Area. But with that, BART union workers want a 3 percent raise? Yikes! So let's say they strike after July 9th. That means the person who needs to use BART to get to that job interview in Concord from Oakland can't make the interview without paying money they can't afford for a cab to a place of employment that may not hire them. That's terrible. Why in Heaven's name would BART's workers who want to walk out if they don't get what they want even try to con...
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