According to Rich Lieberman (AKA Big Vinny), a source claims that Oakland City Officials are going to make a pitch to the Oakland A's to build a new stadium.. Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums and City council President Ignacio DeLaFuente are expected to offer the A's any one of three sites available for consideration, including Jack London Square, the Laney College area adjacent to the Nimitz freeway, and the existing Coliseum north parking lot, which has the advantage of nearby BART and mass transit. Now if that's correct, it reads as if the "Jack London Square" option may be Oak To Ninth, the large area of land near Jack London Square which was in the original basball stadium development proposal. If so , that opens a new controversy over the use of that property. If you're wondering how all of these plans impact the Oakland A's, you can test different scenarios using my Oakland Baseball Simworld . Visit Rich Lieberman's site here: Rich Lieberman...
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