Credit to for this news: Lake Merritt lovers may have noticed that all the fountains have been turned off. Four of the motors have failed and are out of warranty. A replacement motor is broken. Three of the four fountains are owned by the La ke Merritt Institute , which is struggling to come up with the $7,000 it needs to replace the motors. Let's help! Please send donations, whether they are large or small, to the Lake Merritt Institute, 568 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610. The institute is a non- profit, 501C3 corporation, so donations are deductible to the extent of the law. Below is an excerpt of a letter that the Institute's Dr. Richard Bailey sent to the Adams Point Action Council, which is spearheading this fund drive. "Cheers: That is great! We could certainly use this kind of help. To answer your questions: "Funds for the aeration fountains should be sent to: The Lake Merritt Institute, 568 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, CA...
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