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Showing posts with the label east oakland

Oakland Shootout and Sideshow - a review

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit On Yesterday I posted a blog entry which contained set of videos from the YouTube channel of "EASTOAKLAND106", and contained scenes that were shocking. One showed two young black men basically exacting an ugly form of "street" justice on a white man in East Oakland. The other videos were created during "The Sideshow", an activity featuring muscle cars revved to full-throttle by their drivers, spinning donuts in the middle of the intersection of 106th and Mac Arthur Blvd. The YouTube channel contained other videos that together gave the viewer a real picture of what was going on (or "going down") in that part of Oakland. I made the decision to create the blog to get the attention of the normally placid blog reader, tossed a steady diet of texts about celebrities, sports, and Erin Andrews . These videos showing the rea...

Reports on Environmental Concerns due to the Industrial Cooridors in East Oaland to be discussed on Monday

This sounds like this will be quite interesting. I think it's sad how people feel as prisoners in their own home due to the air quality. The full Oakland Tribune Story Below. Groups convene to address environmental concerns in East Oakland By Kamika Dunlap Oakland Tribune Article Launched: 09/18/2008 05:11:27 PM PDT OAKLAND ā€” Environmental activists and community groups will discuss at a meeting Monday the poor health conditions affecting many East Oakland residents living along the city's industrial corridors. Groups will examine findings from a new report, "Cumulative Impacts in East Oakland: Findings from a Community-Based Mapping Study." The report was put together by Communities for a Better Environment and other partners, including the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, UC Berkeley and Bay Area Healthy 880 Communities. The study addresses the environmental effects of toxic pollution, such as idling diesel trucks and po...

A Soul Food Experience to bring change in East Oakland

'A Soul Food Experience' is the name of the new restaurant that just opened in East Oakland. The area to which the restaurant opened is known to be somewhat drab . With a renovation plan of the neighborhood staring next year, it looks like A Soul Food Experience is getting a head start on bringing change and new flavor to the community. I found this article from the Oakland Tribune, you can read the full story below. Soul food the new flavor in East Oakland By Kamika Dunlap Oakland Tribune Article Last Updated: 09/07/2008 05:30:44 PM PDT OAKLAND ā€” Rubie Daniels is looking to add a new flavor to East Oakland with the old delights of Southern-style African-American cuisine. Daniels is the owner of the recently opened A Soul Food Experience, which serves rib and chicken dinners, black-eyed peas, peach cobbler and other recipes that capture the culture and spirit of the black tradition. "This place is one of a kind," said Daniel, 68. "We're the bright spot in...

AC Transit - East Oakland - Girls Fight On Bus

Ok. First, you wonder what this is doing here on this blog. Simple. It's a part of life in Oakland, just as much as Lake Merritt Farmer's Market, Whole Foods Market, Salsa dancing, or any of the good things about this city. This is one of the bad aspects of it, and one reason I avoid riding AC Transit and drive the car -- even with these high gas prices. Sorry, but someone's got to get their kids under control. This is terrible.