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Showing posts with the label domestic violence

Forum On Domestic Violence In Oakland - North Gate News

From the North Gate News This actually matches a Tagami Vision episode on the matter. Forum Focuses on Domestic Violence, Sexual Exploitation By Kerry Seed , October 29, 2007 at 11:49 pm OAKLAND ā€“ Police are getting more cases of domestic violence and sexual exploitation in recent years, and the victims are younger, according to a city coalition that gathered Monday to report on what is being done about the problem. More domestic violence incidents are reported in Oakland than in any other city in the nine-county Bay Area, said Jean Quan, City Council president pro tempore. And prosecutors say Internet prostitution has caused sexual exploitation cases to skyrocket. ā€œThe Internet has increased the number of cases beyond what we can handle,ā€ said Sharmin Eshraghi, an Alameda County assistant district attorney who focuses on human exploitation and trafficking. ā€œWe have an epidemic. Thereā€™s more than we can actually prosecute.ā€ With Domestic Violence Awareness month drawing to a close,...