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Showing posts with the label college avenue

Oakland Police DUI Checks To Hit North Oakland, December 12th

Just in time for the holiday party season we have this report of a planned DUI check by the blog "Oakland North".  The basics are that Oakland Police are planning a DUI check point set up "somewhere between the Oakland / Berkeley Boarder, which I take to mean College Avenue, or Telegraph Avenue, or Claremont Avenue.   That's the heart of the North Oakland dining district.   Here's the rest of the Oakland North post: The DUI checkpoint show will be coming to an intersection near you, on December 12, somewhere along the North Oakland and Berkeley border. While the casual, wine-with-dinner drinker and driver might do well to mark that date on the calendar and avoid getting behind the wheel at all, itā€™s worth revisiting that fuzzy, ill-understood question of just how much drinking it does take to meet the fateful 0.08% blood alcohol limit. MORE