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Showing posts with the label chevron richmond

Richmond, Ca Mayor on Chevron refinery issue

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit In the wake of my interview with Chevron employee Dennis Roos I've gotten a number of email and calls updating me on the matter of the negotiations to restart the stopped construction of the improvements to the Richmond refinery. One of them was this "Meet The Mayor" community meeting held Friday, August 7th at 5:30 PM. Here, one could ask questions of Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin for one hour, but my intent was to attend, film residents who were concerned about the project, pro and con, and after it was over, get the Mayor's direct point of view if she would give it to me. (Take note of that.) To review, Chevron's planned upgrade of their giant Richmond oil refinery was stalled because environmentalists sued them in court regarding what was viewed to be an inadequate environmental impact report (EIR) regarding how emissions were going to be lesse...

Chevron Richmond issue: new video shows job loss impact

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit Apparently someone was paying attention to my call for videos from last week's Richmond City Council meeting where I reported that California Attorney General Jerry Brown visited a packed council hearing room and got passed a resolution to allow him to get involved in the issue of the stopped Chevron plant construction order. A number of comments on my blogs pointed to video links but then out-of-the-blue, Chevron itself stepped forward with their video, and it's a good one: The video shows the workers impacted telling their stories in much the same way that laid off plant construction electrician Dennis Roos told his story to me. The video was apparently created last Tuesday, at the Richmond City Council hearing. One worker in the video said "I've got a family. I've got four girls. I've got a house payment. A car payment. I was really depend...

Chevron Richmond issue: Jerry Brown steps in; scores over Newsom

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit The latest news in the Chevron / Richmond oil refinery issue is that California Attorney General Jerry Brown wants to step in and mediate the negotiations between the oil giant and the City of Richmond. In working to do this, Brown's scored a point on San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom in the California Governor's race. According to the San Jose Mercury news and Contra Costa Times (yeah, I know they're merged), Brown appeared before the Richmond City Council and a "standing-room-only" crowd of 350 people, most reportedly laid off union workers from the Chevron facility, who's reconstruction effort was halted by court order in the wake of a lawsuit by environmentalists challenging the environmental impact report for the venue, costing them their jobs (I wonder if Dennis Roos was there ?). The Richmond electeds passed a resolution supporting the involvem...

Chevron Richmond issue: meet the real "little guy" Dennis Roos

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! YouTube , Yahoo , MySpace , Metacafe , DailyMotion , , StupidVideos , Sclipo and Viddler On July 1st, Contra Costa Superior Court Judge Barbara Zuniga issued a decision that altered Richmond, California's economic course for the future. She ordered the oil giant to rewrite its environmental impact report (EIR) because of environmentalists' contention that the EIR was flawed and that a newly refurbished Richmond refinery would not produce lower carbon emissions than the current facility. Her decision was hailed as a victory for "the little guy" by my friend San Francisco Chronicle Columnist Chip Johnson. But his column made me ask "Who's really the little guy, here?" So in a search for the answer to my query, I did some digging and found a person who represents the real "little guy": Dennis Roos. But before we meet Roos, a brief recap is in order. Two Sid...

Communities for a Better Environment v. Chevron Lawsuit Upsets Bay Area

Earlier this month, a group called  Communities for a Better Environment filed suit against Chevron's attempt to upgrade its Richmond Refinery because they claim the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was not well done, but judging by the comments of readers of SFGate, the SF Chronicle website, the timing of the lawsuit could not have been worse.   The problem: high gas prices.  The problem's turned what would normally be knee-jerk opponents into reasoned observers.   Take a look: norcalguy101 9/4/2008 10:02:56 PM Idiots. Recommend:     ( 13 ) ( 13 ) [Report Abuse] moose_activist 9/4/2008 10:06:16 PM What morons! We need to give Chevron a free pass to upgrade to lower gas a little more. We need to ship these enviornuts to China now! Recommend:     ( 23 ) ( 8 ) [Report Abuse] This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by an SFGate editor. annoying_gnat 9/4/2008 10:29:11 PM from the looks of the comments from the Humbolt area th...

Richmond City Council Approves Chevron Upgrade Plan 5 to 4 and Community Plan 6 to 1

Richmond City Council Approves Chevron Upgrade Plan 5 to 4 After a long and bruising Tuesday night-into-Wednesday morning Richmond City Council meeting, the City Council approved Chevron's Richmond Oil Refinery Upgrade Plan on an emotional 5-4 vote and approving the community development plan 6 to 1. I attended the packed meeting which seemed to draw every media person in the Bay Area to Cutting Boulevard and the council gathering. It was indeed a people-circus, with folks representing those who wanted to save their Chevron jobs (which probably weren't going any where anyway) and others who were in opposition to the idea that Chevron was breathing, let alone upgrading an existing facility. The main issue is the assumed production using crude oil: Chevron says they don't use it at the plant; opponents say they're lying. The project has been the source of much controvery, with California Attorney General Jerry Brown weighing in, saying that the Environmental Im...

Chevron Richmond Refinery Renewal Project - Key Details

Some of you have asked for the basic information on the Chevron refinery project. Well, here it is, right from the Chevron website and the City of Richmond's website: This is from Chevron: Key Facts Chevron is proposing to upgrade and replace equipment at the Richmond Refinery. The Energy and Hydrogen Renewal Project is part of our on-going commitment to reliable and efficient operations. The project does not cost local government or local taxpayers any money. Chevron is responsible for the entire cost. In addition, the improvements are expected to create direct benefits to the City of Richmond and the surrounding community including: Reducing overall emissions, making Richmond's air quality even better Replacing existing equipment with new equipment that is more energy efficient and includes enhanced environmental controls Generating millions in new tax revenues for Richmond that could be used to fund essential public services including public safety, street repairs, librarie...

Chevron Unfairly Attacked In Richmond, Says "Blind Emailer"

Someone's watching my blog posts about Chevron and its battle to clear its name in Ecuador and Nigeria, and sent an email I can't trace, but it provides a good counter to the East Bay Express' article which reads as a clear attack piece on the oil giant. This is what the person who calls themselves "Blind Emailer" -- anything but -- sent to me: The Richmond City Council has an excellent opportunity to improve the quality of life for its residents on July 15. Thatā€™s the day when it will meet to decide whether to allow Chevron to make important improvements at its Richmond Refinery. Chevron is proposing to make upgrades to its machinery that will enhance environmental controls, reduce emissions, improve energy efficiency and increase the amount of gas produced that meets Californiaā€™s tough environmental standards ā€“ all without expanding the refinery or increasing the overall amount of fuel it produces. One would think that any responsible elected official w...