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Showing posts with the label restaurants

Bar Lata and Adesso: Two Oakland Eateries To Open Next Week

More at Eater : ā€œFirst, Bar Lataā€”the Oakland tapas bar from Daniel Olivella of B44ā€”has pushed back its debut to next Wednesday. Elsewhere in Oaktown, Dopo spinoff Adesso continues to feel the frustration surrounding the liquor licensing red tape. Sources there are still unsure as to when exactly they'll open, but fingers are crossed for next week.ā€ -- Eater reports that even in this economy, and with the opening of Side Bar three weeks ago on Grand Avenue, Oaklanders will have two more new gourmet places to much opening next week: Bar Lata on 4901 Telegraph, and Adesso on 4293 Piedmont Avenue. Can all of these businesses hold up by year's end? If so, then things aren't as bad as they seem.