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Showing posts with the label sotomayor

Sotomayor's Life Experience Is To Be Celebrated - By William Wong

William Wong With President Obamaā€™s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court, we are hearing from certain quarters (Republicans, conservatives, some white guys) complaints about the judgeā€™s invocation of her Puerto Rican cultural heritage as an important part of who she is and why she might make a good Supreme Court Justice. Moreover, President Obama made a big deal of Judge Sotomayorā€™s personal story, along with her stellar legal credentials, when he announced her nomination to the nationā€™s highest court. This matter of her cultural heritage and background ā€“ as well as the fact that she is a woman ā€“ re-animates a continuing debate in America about power and equal opportunity. Itā€™s often labeled ā€œidentity politics,ā€ which is a battering ram in the quarters that are whining about Judge Sotomayorā€™s invocation of her cultural heritage to pummel those of us from the historic margins of American life ā€“ women, and non-white ethnic minorities. Frankly, Iā€™ve wearied ...