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Showing posts with the label law

SF Chronicle gets $5.5 Million damage award story against Richard Thomas wrong : Indybay

Chronicle gets $5.5 Million damage award story against Richard Thomas wrong : Indybay : ā€œIt May Take Up To Two Years For The Former Tenants Of Slumlord Richard Thomas To Receive A $5.5 Million Jury Award In Punitive Damages, And A November 7th Chronicle Article Has It Wrong By Stating That Attorney Laura Stevens Will Ask Alameda County Superior Court Judge Steven Brick To Award The $5.5 Million In Punitive Damages To Housing Agencies, Rather Than The Former Tenants! Oakland Attorney Laura Stevens Wants The Former Tenants Of Richard Thomas To Contact Her!ā€

City Attorney John Russo Bullies Mayor Ron Dellums; What About Attorney-Client Priveldge

As a preface to what I'm about to write, let me state that I'm generally one of the persons who's been very critical of Mayor Dellums' performance. Indeed, in the case of bringing in a new City Administrator, Dellums is dragging his feet beyond a reasonable degree of time. Thus, Oakland City Attorney John Russo's public charge last week that the Oakland City Charter is such that the Mayor may be violating it by not naming a City Administrator is shockingly sloppy in logic and approach. I'm frankly surprised Russo would take such a brazen road in trying to get the Mayor to act. It's the duty of the media to provide an informational check on these actions. And in this case, Russo's builying tactics cause me to wonder if it's overstepping the normal attorney-client relationship. Not that Dellums doesn't deserve it because it's obvious that he misread the City Charter. The Charter states: Section 502. Acting City Administrator. The...

Bob Schock - Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Wins Daniels v. Townsend

Medical Malpractice is a large problem, and over 90 percent of doctors sued win their cases. But not in the case of Oakland Lawyer Robert G. Shock. Bob Schock represented the plaintiff, A'Daja Daniels -- a then-seven year old child (who's now 14 years old). He won a judgement of over $800,000, when he was expecting perhaps $300,000, but the jury was swayed by the severity of damage caused to her by doctor error and the impact it has on her ability to reach her economic potential, or to put it another way, to gain money from the best job for her. In this video, Bob talks about the case and his law practice. Bob's office is at 1970 Broadway in Oakland. His phone number is 839-7722 and website is