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Showing posts with the label city hall

Darel Carey Reportedly Goes Off; Challenges Phil Tagami - Comments Stupid

First, I got wind of this Thursday night at the gym, and looked into the article. The person who told me about this was right. The comments in the Tribune article are as distasteful as the way Mr. Carey reportedly came after Phil Tagami. I've captured both below. And as a word of warning, I do not publish anonymous comments. Don't try. As to where I was during all this? The MLB All Star Game, happily. Oakland business leaders in near-brawl at City Hall By Cecily Burt, STAFF WRITER - OAKLAND TRIBUNE Article Last Updated: 07/12/2007 12:58:35 PM PDT OAKLAND ā€” Two men known to blow off steam at city meetings from time to time nearly came to physical blows outside City Hall Tuesday afternoon, although the only casualty appears to be Councilmember Larry Reid's bad back, wrenched while trying to keep the peace. The near dust-up happened in the middle of Tuesday's Community and Economic Development Committee meeting. The room was packed because comedy film mogul Keenen Iv...