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Showing posts with the label zennie

Zennie and Lars on BART to Berkeley: 1975

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit Ha! This is the beauty of being a local in Oakland and the Bay Area. Having friends who have old photos of you and them in action. In this case the photo below is one of Lars Frykman, Bill Boyd and myself on BART in 1975. (In case you're wondering where Bill is, he's the photog here.) Zennie and Lars - 1975 Bill found this photo and put in on his Facebook profile page; now it's on mine too. But I couldn't resist sharing it as it's a small window into the Bay Area of the past. I mean, I had a small "'fro" and Lars was sporting the Rolling Stones' hair look. But that was as much hair as I wanted; no longer. No big 'Fro for me! The only place I can think of where we may have been going at the time was Berkeley and to the Federation Trading Post (FTP) on a weekend or San Francisco just to ride through the then-new BART tube. That ...

Local bloggers meet at Berkeley J-School (YouTube video)

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit Last night, Wednesday, August 19th at 6 PM (well, I got there ay 6:38 PM) Paul Grabowicz, the Associate Dean and New Media Program Director at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, hosted the second meetup of local bloggers in the school's library. It was a great event. The idea of these meetings is, as the email put it, ... "so people can get together to socialize, share ideas, solve common problems and explore ways we might collaborate. We also want to find out what kind of training people might be interested in through the UC Berkeley J-School's Knight Digital Media Center" And really that's what happened. The meeting itself, which I did not video as some people don't want to be on camera, started with the idea of breaking into groups around "editorial" concerns and "business" issues, but that was jettison...

LakeFest Street Fair in Oakland, CA - August 1st 2009

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit On LakeFest is a street fair that was held last Saturday and Sunday August 1st and 2nd on Lakeshore Avenue between Lake Park and Mandana near the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland. After a long absence, it's back for its second year and with great bands and vendors selling clothes and representing everything from the new Lake Chalet restaurant to "Friends of the Oakland Public Library." I talked with a number of Oaklanders about the festival because there was a long period of time that, well, there was not an event of this kind at this location. That is until Helen Wyman stepped in. Helen Wyman is an event producer currently best known for the first, successful Uptown street fair held June 18th of this year. She explained that this event has nothing to do with the version of year's past and is brand new. "'LakeFest' was a concept we ...

Oakland Gets Tax On Pot (Yeah!), plus higher Hotel Tax

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! | Visit YouTube | Visit Oakland has a new set of taxes I think are much needed and should not be a massive burden on the citizens already hurt by job losses and the credit crunch. In a very cool mail-order voting style, which really gets those people who care about the issue to actually vote for it with a chance of passing, Oakland Measures C,D,F, and H all passed, a dramatic reversal over the revenue-increase killing outcome of many of the November choices, reflecting the then-worsening economy. Now, Oakland can and will tax the gross receipts of all "cannabis businesses" with a tax of about 1.8 percent which will raise over $200,000, on top of a new 14 percent hotel occupancy tax (high, yes) for the Chabot Space and Science Center and the Oakland Museum and the convention center; meanwhile Measure 00 was reduced, which I'm not cool about but it helped solve the deficit problem, and pr...

Michael Jackson passes | public opinion: "We Are The World"

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! YouTube , Yahoo , MySpace , Metacafe , DailyMotion , , StupidVideos , Sclipo and Viddler Michael Jackson's passing is still a shock to me. The very idea that someone I feel like I grew up with left us at the age of 50 is just not right at all. I first saw Michael perform when I was 10 years old at the old Chicago International Amphitheatre in 1972; the Campbell family, who babysat me, took me and I remember it like it was yesterday. The Jackson Five was then the must see event and Michael was the star. Michael was like my brother. In a way for many African Americans he was just that, a sibling. I knew him as the guy who grew up in Gary, Indiana. We knew people who knew them in Chicago, so I felt close to him long ago. I think it's for that reason so many African Americans were on Michael's side during the years when it seems he was kind of flying the coup: changing his skin color fro...

WSJ's Kara Swisher attacks Zennie on Twitter

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! ' On So a few days ago I wrote a blog post with a vlog about the Iran Elections or given what's going on over there the "Iran Revolution" and in preparing for it ran across an article who's take on Twitter , the main event in the Iran uprising, I disagreed with. It was written by Kara Swisher, the semi-well-known Wall Street Journal vlogger who covers "All Things D" or "Digital" as her blog site's called. I wrote: The amount of information communicated through Twitter has been of staggering proportions. While Kara Swisher may write that it's "inane and half-baked", the fact that Iranians can use their cell phones to tweet information and share photos has done more than the mainstream media in telling the World what's happening. Well that sent her into a tizzy. She got on Twitter and publicly blasted me, writing things like: ...

The Parkway Theater, Community, Politicians, and Passive Aggression

I attended the Sunday Community meeting held at Rooz Cafe on Park Avenue by the "I Love The Parkway Theater" group of concerned citizens and by all accounts it was successful. Even Oakland Councilmember and mayoral candidate Jean Quan, who's in District One, not District Two, which is Pat Kernighan's and where the Parkway Theater is located, was there and talking (she didn't mention she was running for mayor to her credit). But there's a little weirdness going on I've got to address. I'm editing the video from the event so I'm not going to spill the beans on the event here in its entirety, but I'm taking time this night - as movie mogul Peter Gurber in a conversation with Cameron Diaz on his cool talk-show "Storymakers" with Variety's Peter Bart says "privacy is gone" to her regarding the Internet and celebrity - to write that there are no secrets in community issues, so why do some people act like there are in the...

Get The Zennie62 Widget Made By Steve Kloft!

  More at | Follow me on Twitter! Right out of the blue, I get this email from my friend Steve Kloft, who's an established Internet marketing guru, announcing he's created a widget containing links to my postings, my main blog, my Twitter tweets, and my YouTube videos! Steve, thanks a million! That makes up for the 600 mb Bay to Breakers videos I'm still uploading, the nutso cyberstalkers , and all the crap I've had to deal with that comes with just expressing my opinion! But as I've said before, there are good people out there, fortunately I know them and they have away of just appearing when you need a boost: Steve's an example. Here's the widget: Get the Zennie Abraham widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! You can get your own copy at this link: And thanks again, Steve! That was a bolt out of the blue!

The Blog Report TV Show: Josh Wolf; Parkway Theater's Last Day

  More at | Follow me on Twitter! YouTube , and Sclipo Wow, sorry I was away, but I spent all of Thursday traveling from Atlanta to San Francisco, then covering Bay to Breakers events, and finally just taking time off. Pretty fried, frankly. But the World turns on. Each Saturday, my new television show is on. It's called The Blog Report With Zennie62 and features the use of my video blogs in a weekly 30-minute format broadcast and co-produced by CoLoursTV in Denver. The start time is 3:30 PM Pacific Time, 6:30 PM Eastern Time and the show is replayed at 11:30 PM and 2:30 PM respecfully. Then it is replayed on Sunday at 12 noon pacific and 3 PM eastern. No TV?, go to . The third installment of The Blog Report with Zennie62 features the introduction of a new documentary film made by Sierra Choi and about SF Bay Area journalist Josh Wolf. I met Josh and Sierra in 2006 when both was working for The Peralta Community College District...

New TV Show by Zennie62's On BART and Oscar Grant

  More at | Follow me on Twitter! On Saturday, May 3rd, my new television show starts. It's called "The Blog Report With Zennie62" and features the use of my video blogs in a weekly 30-minute format broadcast and co-produced by CoLoursTV in Denver and on Channel 9407 nationwide on the DISH Network , but it's on Comcast in Florida, and Fox and Insight cable systems. The start time is 3:30 PM Pacific Time, 6:30 PM Eastern Time and the show is replayed at 11:30 PM and 2:30 PM respecfully. If you don't have a TV you can see the live stream at . or This first show focused on selected events that occured after the shooting of Oscar Grant by BART Officer Johannes Mesherle on New Year's Day. It opens with my walk through a riot-ravaged downtown Oakland where I talked with many people about what happened, including a group of kids who were some of the rioters and that was eye-opening. Then we focus on the words ...

Oakland A's Owner Wolff's Anti-Oakland Words Called "Sob Story" By Oakland City Attorney

  More at | Follow me on Twitter! In a strongly worded letter I just received as of this writing from the office of Oakland City Attorney John Russo (and is reproduced in full at the end of this post), Oakland's lawyer penned what is without a doubt the strongest attack on the Oakland Athletics attempts to leave Oakland by and Oakland City Official. Russo writes: Oakland Aā€™s managing partner Lew Wolff is a talented and smart businessman. But if Wolff thinks anybody is buying his sob story about why the Aā€™s have to leave Oakland, heā€™s seriously underestimating the intelligence of the teamā€™s fan base, the press and the people of this city.   Oakland City Attorney John Russo with me in 2008 in his office.  What started this has been a process of dissing and trying to excavate the team from Oakland almost since it was sold to Ken Schott and Steve Hoffman after the beloved Haas Family sold the organization in 1994; Schott and Hoffman then ...

Parkway Theater BBQ This Sunday, April 26th at 1 PM to 5 PM

I just got a message about this: Host: Save The Parkway Speakeasy Theatre In Oakland Type: Other - Festival Network: Global Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Location: FM Smith Park (just up Park Blvd. from the Parkway) Email: On Facebook:

Van Jones: Oaklander and Obama's Green Jobs Czar on CNN's Larry King Tonight

  More at | Follow me on Twitter! Van Jones , President Obama's new "Special Advisor For Green Jobs Enterprise and Innovation" who I have featured in our "Oakland Focus" blog and videos several times and I last talked to as he closed his account at Gold's Gym in Oakland where he was a member for years, is the guest on CNN's "Larry King" show tonight starting at 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST but CNN runs a "loop" so if you missed Van at 6 PM or 9 PM respectively, you can catch him again later in the evening and the video on two days later. (I hope.) Mr. Jones is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, "The Green Collar Economy" and the co-founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in Oakland. Over his career as activist and author, Jones has tirelessly fought for alternatives to violence and incarceration. In her tribute to Jones, Rosemary Pritzker wrote: Van Jones has been maki...

Oakland Tribune Owner MediaNews Group Ranked "Risky Debtor"

Is the Oakland Tribune not far behind the SF Chronicle in lifespan ?  If this report by Editor and Publisher is to be believed:  Moody's Investors Service, the big credit rating agency, on Tuesday launched a new database and quarterly report of companies in the most serious danger of default -- and four newspaper companies are among those on the "Bottom Rung." Each of the four -- Freedom Communications, GateHouse Media Inc. MediaNews Group Inc. and Morris Publishing Group Inc. -- has a "probability of default" ratings that indicate they are at "substantial risk" of missing repayments if a so-called default event is triggered. On average there's about a 25% chance a company given those ratings will default within a year, going into bankruptcy or some other remedy. That means there's a one-quarter chance the Oakland Tribune could stop printing in the near future.  

SF Chronicle Owned By Craigslist? A Possible Future

According to Real Clear Politics , The San Francisco Chronicle is one of ten newspapers in trouble.  The total list in order from "still alive" to "almost passed on" is: 10. NY Daily News 9. LA Times 8. St. Paul Pioneer Press 7. Chicago Sun-Times 6. Detroit News 5. San Francisco Chronicle 4. Miami Herald 3. Philadelphia Daily News 2. Rocky Mountain News 1. Seattle Post-Intelligencer The San Francisco Chronicle, at number five, may cease to exist if management and union can't get together on an adjustment to the collective bargaining agreement.  (UPDATE: Seattle P-I reported close to closure ).  That did happen on Monday, with Thursday of this week set as the day for a large meeting for the Chronicle Guild to ratify the agreement.  As of the making of the video, no place was secured but that was to happen today, Tuesday.  It did according to The day and time of the meeting is Thursday, March 12,  5-8 p.m respectively an...

Sunday Movie In SF: "Medicine For Melancholy" At Embarcadero Theater

I just got an email regarding the screening of a new movie called "Medicine for Melancholy" which is tommorrow at 7:20 PM.  You can RSVP via their Facebook Page but here's some basic info: The Osiris Coalition and Citizen Hope are proud to sponsor a special screening of Medicine for Melancholy THIS SUNDAY AT 7:20pm at Landmark Embarcadero Cinemas. The crowd-pleasing love story set in San Francisco confronts the issue of race and identity in the wake of the African American exodus from San Francisco. Sunday March 8, 2009 @ 7:20pm DIRECTOR BARRY JENKINS WILL BE ON HAND FOR Q & A SESSION This film is getting incredible reviews and we have this awesome opportunity to support a San Francisco director and dialogue with him about his work. The film is set to show in San Francisco for one week only--but if it gets a great turnout this weekend, it could be here for longer. So even if you can't make our screening, please go out and see it this weekend.

Mayor Ron Dellums to Meet With A's Lew Wolff After Spring Training

I have it from several sources that Mayor Ron Dellums plans to meet with A's Owner Lew Wolff after Baseball Spring Training.  That's an expansion on the other story that the City was making moves to contact the A's and present a plan.   What's good about this bit of news is the Mayor and not the Vice Mayor's doing the apparent heavy lifting. Nothing against Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente, but it's time Oakland sent a clear leadership message to sports business owners, and that means the Mayor.  Period.    It also means we fall in and help him, and that organizations like the Chamber of Commerce avoid this knee-jerk tendency to form their own task force and try to get what they want, which is the ego-satisfaction of being involved at a major level.   What the Chamber has done is made it's own group in the past which has always made politics more complicated. Please, not this time.  That's Joe Haraburda's set of orders I write: sta...

Michael McGuire: Funeral Services for Michael McGuire on Wednesday February 4, 2009

My friend Michael McGuire passed away of a sudden heart attack Saturday night January 24th. The Berkeley High and U.C. Berkeley grad was just 46 years old and lived in Berkeley. The funeral services for Michael McGuire on Wednesday February 4, 2009. Here's the full schedule of events. Public Viewing Fouche's Hudson Funeral Home 3665 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA. 94609 510 654 8558 Tuesday - 2/3/09 12noon - 5:00pm Funeral Services for Michael McGuire on Wednesday February 4, 2009 The Church By the Side of the Road 2108 Russell Street Berkeley, CA. 94705 510- 644-0954 Viewing/Visitation 11am - 12pm Service 12noon - 1:00pm Repast 1pm - 2pm Directions: The church is near Shattuck and Ashby Avenues. The most recognizable Street is Ashby Avenue. Russell Street is one block North of Ashby Avenue, and the church is one block east of Shattuck Avenue. If you need additional information feel free to call 510 326 0093 or ...

Oakland White Elephant Sale Celebrates 50th Birthday

More at Today in Montclair : ā€œIn Oakland, the best-known White Elephant Sale is about to celebrate its 50th birthday!  Thereā€™s a preview sale tomorrow, followed by the full event in March. The Oakland Museum Womenā€™s Board (OMWB) organizes this annual extravaganza to raise funds for the museum.  They raised only $500 back in 1959, the first year the sale was held.  Fast forward, and the OMWB hauled in a whopping $1.28 million last year.ā€