The above headline will catch you by surprise, but the wind is blowing in that way. The point is that several people behind the scenes, in touch with the ownership group, and around the Bay Area are talking about how Oakland Athletics Managing Partner Lew Wolff has, as one person put it "blown $20 million" on the effort to find a new home for the Oakland Athletics. Another contact told me one would be "fired" if they lost even $8 million on such a development project so early into the process. But the concensus for now is to let Wolff continue to do his work, but he's on a short leach. The main problem is Wolff fell in love with the "baseball village" concept, where the ownership has to buy a lot of land not just for a baseball stadium but for residential development in the hope that the improved land sells for more than the group bought it for. That works in a credit-health, prosperous economy, but in today's recessionary and deflationary wo...
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