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Showing posts with the label abortion clinic oakland

Jonathan Gonzalez Slain In East Oakland - Oakland Tribune

I saw this terrible bit of information today: Suspected West Oakland gang member slain in East Oakland FROM STAFF REPORTS Article Last Updated: 08/20/2008 04:32:05 PM PDT OAKLAND ā€” A reputed member of West Oakland's Acorn drug gang died early Wednesday from gunshot wounds sustained Tuesday night in East Oakland, police said.. He was identified as Jonathan Gonzalez, 21, whose street name was "Redbone," police said. A 34-year-old man who said he was Gonzalez's cousin was also wounded. His name was not released and police were not sure if he lived in Oakland or Emeryville. The shooting happened about 9:53 p.m. Tuesday at a housing project in the 1200 block of 65th Avenue. The older man was able to tell police he and Gonzalez were walking back from a store when they were confronted by a man with a gun who began shooting at them. Both men were hit several times by gunfire. Gonzalez died from his wounds at 2:29 a.m. Wednesday at Highland Hospital. The othe...

City Council Considers "8-Foot Bubble" Around Abortion Clinic Visitors

This is from Wiretap Blog Save The Bubble The idea is pretty straight forward: An 8-foot bubble of private space should be required around anyone entering a reproductive health facility, including those that provide abortion care. Seems simple enough, right? Too bad nothing involving the word "abortion" is ever that simple. In fact, at a recent City Council meeting in Oakland, CA where this notion was proposed as an ordinance, the pro-life/anti-choice community showed up en mass to articulate why they were adamantly opposed to the city adopting this law. It went like this, people in favor of the "bubble ordinance" took turns at the podium recounting instances when demonstrators had pushed and assaulted clinic staff, blocked entrances to facilities, prohibited cars from entering clinic parking lots, and even videotaped and photographed patients as they entered clinic property. They turned the spotlight off of the abortion issue and onto public safety, explaining ...