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Showing posts with the label uptown

The Uptown And Parking: What Happens When There's No Plan

Ok. A lot of people have been writing that they don't want to see surface parking at the lot next to the Fox Theater in the Uptown District. The tower Forest City Development was to build is going to be stalled in this economy for a good, long time. So we have a lot. Yuck. But the reason we have that, and not an alternative plan beyond it, and a lot of "stuff" from staff is that we don't have an overall development plan and regulations specifically for the entire Uptown Area; regulations that could govern signage, sidewalk design, and transportation. We've allowed the area to just sort of grow with piecemeal development projects as opposed to a full, overall plan. Don't blame me folks; I pushed for one long ago, but lost that battle too. What to do about the lot? Well, we could have a party on it! Seriously. Why not have a good, old fashioned Saturday public potluck right out there on that land, just to show that people will actually walk to s...

Dance This Mess Around! Benefit Concert Tonight Tuesday : The Bay Bridged - San Francisco Bay Area Indie Music

Dance This Mess Around! Benefit Concert : The Bay Bridged - San Francisco Bay Area Indie Music : ā€œhe Mills Dance Collective are putting on a benefit fundraiser show this Tuesday at the Uptown Nightclub in Oakland. Proceeds will go towards the Mills College dance program and their scholarships, as well as the local music scene.ā€