Oakland Police Officers Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and Sgts. Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, members of the SWAT team and motorcycle officer, John Hege, 41, who is in grave condition, were all shot in the line of duty Saturday. Dunakin, Romans, and Sakai are dead. This is what Oakland Police talk about. This is why police take the precausions they do. It's the heart of what we all fear, both the officers and the people of Oakland. My heart and tears go out to the slain officers who were serving all of us. And it's a stark reminder of what I said just two days ago on Christina Marie's show "CrossTalk San Francisco": our society is more dangerous now than ever. It's not just the police shooting. It's the muggings and threats that impact employees at the University of California Office of The President in downtown Oakland. These incidents are so frequent of late, that U.C. officials are strongly considering lea...
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