Fallout From Oakland Massacre The Mixon massacre brought out the best and worst in Oakland. Like any other tragedy, peoplesā true character and resolve, or lack thereof, came to the forefront. This tragedy will have repercussions in Oakland for years to come. First, you have to admire the courage of our police force. They responded immediately to this tragedy, secured the neighborhood, and pointed out, again, the dangers of their jobs. Other heroes were the Oakland residents in the area impacted by the shootings. Many showed bravery by aiding the officers throughout this tragedy. They risked their lives to comfort the wounded and to stop the killings. Oakland citizens showed their concern, mourning and gratitude in many ways. They organized a vigil at the scene to honor the fallen officers. The Oakland clergy stepped forward and offered comfort for the city and the families, including the Mixons, who were severely impacted by this senseles...
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