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Showing posts with the label Bohemian Grove

Vanity Fair's Alex Shoumatoff Mug Shot | Arrested at Bohemian Grove Hiding Behind Redwood Tree

Vanity Fair's Alex Shoumatoff Mug Shot | Arrested at Bohemian Grove Hiding Behind Redwood Tree Exclusive Photo of Vanity Fair Editor Alex Shoumatoff arrest at Bohemian Grove This is a major follow-up to our story on Alex Shoumatoff's arrest at Bohemian Grove yesterday. Wearing what he believed to be appropriate attire to join the rich and famous at the Bohemian Grove, Vanity Fair writer Alex Shoumatoff is seen here in his official Sonoma County Sheriff Department mug shot. He was captured trying to hide behind a redwood tree wearing a Pebble Beach pullover and day-old stubble. This is a sure sign that Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair editor, provided Shoumatoff with what he believes is ā€œwest coast attire.ā€ My, how out of touch they both are on the left coast: Everyone out here knows that when youā€™re powerful and slumming in California you put your wornout Brioni or Loro Piana jacket on and couple it with $400+ jeans or perhaps some Ralph Lauren khakis. Then, should you reall...

Vanity Fair Editor Alex Shoumatoff Arrested at Bohemian Grove - Zennie's Zeitgeist

Vanity Fair Editor Alex Shoumatoff Arrested, Embarrassed at Bohemian Grove UPDATE > MUG SHOTS He Plans Hit Piece on Bohemian Club Tree Plans Alex Shoumatoff, a contributing editor at Vanity Fair magazine, tried to sneak into the exclusive Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, Calif., this week. He was hoping to get an inside look at the exclusive retreat of some of the worldā€™s most prominent CEOs, business leaders and politicians. Of course, he stuck out like a seersucker suit at a funeral and was promptly handcuffed and arrested . Most embarrassing for him: he was arrested by a part-time security guard whose day job is a plumber . One could say he was arrested at ā€˜plunger-point.ā€™ Shoumatoff was attempting to sneak in to the 2,700 acre grove. Unfortunately, itā€™s hard to sneak in when you weight 375+ pounds and are prone to being arrogant and dropping names like dimes. Clearly, when captured, Shoumatoff couldnā€™t muster the right names to drop and he was detained, handcuffed and arreste...