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Showing posts with the label Emeryville

Oakland Boards and Commissions - List

This is great advice and direction if you wish to serve on Boards and Commissions in Oakland. (Scroll down for the list.) The City of Oakland has over forty Boards and Commissions on which more than four hundred citizens serve as members. The system of boards and commissions provides an opportunity for residents who have special experience, expertise, and interests to participate in the City's decision-making processes by advising the City Council on numerous issues. These groups provide a forum for greater community participation and input into local government to facilitate quality decisions. Although each City Board or Commission has a different purpose and function, all serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council by addressing community needs. Board members and commissioners perform an invaluable service in assisting the Council to fulfill its obligations to the citizens of Oakland. If you wish to serve on a Board or Commission, read more and download an application a...

City of Berkeley Responsible For Hole In Fence That Man Passed Through, Leading To His Death

As it seems, more and more, cities and counties and states must take care of their roads, freeways, and right-of-ways, else they could be massively sued. City of Berkeley Responsible For Hole In Fence That Man Passed Through, Leading To His Death - Daily Californian After a man was killed by a train while trying to take a shortcut across the tracks Thursday, railroad investigators say the city of Berkeley was responsible for fixing a hole in the fence he intended to pass through. While walking and talking on his cell phone, Berkeley resident Scott Slaughter, 31, was fatally struck at 8:15 a.m. by a Chicago-bound Amtrak train just east of the Berkeley station under the University Avenue overpass. Instead of walking farther to a pedestrian crossing at Hearst Avenue, Slaughter attempted to cross two sets of tracks to pass through a hole cut in the fence on the other side, said officials at the Alameda County Coronerā€™s Office. ā€œHe was on his way to Truitt & White lumberyard, where...

Fox Theater Opened..Website That Is -

Although it's one year -- actually less than that -- away, the website for the Fox Theater is now live and operational. It's an informative publication at and shows how the "Fox Theater Restoration Project", under the direction of California Commercial Group and Phil Tagami, is coming along toward its October 2008 completion. Visit the site, and donate to the construction effort . When you do, this is what you get... $250 Friend of the Oakland Fox: 2 Grand Opening Gala Tickets $500 First Nighter: 4 Grand Opening Gala Tickets $1,000 Key Grip: 8 Grand Opening Gala Tickets, Lobby Recognition Plaque and more! $2,500 Best Boy: 8 Grand Opening Gala Tickets, Tile on the Fox Walkway of Stars and more! $5,000 Stage Manager: Reserved Table at Opening Night Gala, VIP Access for 4 guests and more! $10,000 Promoter: Your Name or Logo on the Promoter Banner, 2 Tickets to exclusive Green Room Reception and more! $25,000 Headliner: Your ...

Oakland / Emeryville Schools Are "Dropout Factories" - Tribune and AP

Well, first, I'm happy Skyline High, where I went, is not on this list. Second, my question -- not answered here -- is "why do these schools have that problem?" Oakland, Emeryville schools make dropout list Fewer than 60 percent of freshmen make it to senior year By Katy Murphy, STAFF WRITER - OAKLAND TRIBUNE Article Last Updated: 10/31/2007 02:47:25 AM PDT OAKLAND ā€” Oakland High School and Oakland Technical High School made the Associated Press's recent "dropout factory" list, as did Emery Secondary School in Emeryville. According to a data analysis conducted by Johns Hopkins University researchers for the Associated Press, only about 44 percent of ninth-graders from Oakland Tech, 52 percent from Oakland High and 55 percent from Emery Secondary made it to their senior year. The high schools were among 1,700 nationwide in which no more than 60 percent of ninth-graders enrolled as seniors three years later. By looking at the size of a particular grade l...

Emeryville 3.0 Earthquake Happened Just 16 Minutes Ago

Here's the info on the Earthquake you may have felt in Oakland. It's from the US Government's site. Magnitude 3.0 - duration magnitude (Md) Time Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 12:20:19 PM (PDT) Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 19:20:19 (UTC) Distance from Emeryville, CA - 2 km (1 miles) NNW (345 degrees) Berkeley, CA - 3 km (2 miles) SW (218 degrees) Albany, CA - 4 km (3 miles) S (177 degrees) Kensington, CA - 6 km (4 miles) SSW (192 degrees) Oakland, CA - 9 km (5 miles) NW (318 degrees) Coordinates 37 deg. 51.2 min. N (37.853N), 122 deg. 17.6 min. W (122.293W) Depth 8.5 km (5.3 miles) Location Quality Good Location Quality Parameters Nst=136, Nph=136, Dmin=4 km, Rmss=0.18 sec, Erho=0.1 km, Erzz=0.4 km, Gp=28.8 degrees Event ID# nc51181496