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Showing posts with the label education

Pam Drake and Mike Gallo On Oakland Adult Ed Teacher Pay Raise Freeze

I ran into Pam Drake on Lakeshore and she introduced me to Mike Gallo. The result was this conversation on how the 26,000-student Oakland Unified School District's Adult Education program has not given their teachers -- including Drake and Gallo -- a pay raise in eight years, or since 2001.   Drake claims that the organization has a stockpile that it has amased but has used the money for costs other than giving better pay to its teachers; its spent the money, she claims, on supervisors and administrators and added teachers on "specal assignment" who are supposed to support the program but don;t.   In addition, according to Gallo, they had their health care benefits cut a few years ago. Drake says that when everyone else has a holiday, they get a day wihout pay, then tell the teachers that if the holiday is too long as it is for Christmas, then the teacher has to pay for health care because the program didn't pay the teacher enough money to pay for health c...

Oakland, CA Economic Report For 2007 - Oakland Chamber of Commerce

This is the executive summary of the economic report published by the Oakland Chamber of Commerce. A copy of the entire study can be seen with a click > here. The text that follows is directly from the summary. I disagree with the overall recommendations, but welcome feedback from others to start a debate. I feel that the recommendations are too weighted toward the development of large industries, ignores the impact of the sports indusry in Oakland, and has no mention of the need to develop small businesses. It's also too focused on biotech, and that's been talked about for 20 years, and we've still got nothing to show for it. I think we should make our strengths stronger, and that's small business, restaurants, shops, and information, and sports. Here's the study.... ONE: OAKLANDā€™S ECONOMY TODAY Historically, Oaklandā€™s economic foundation rested on strong manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare industries. Today, these continue to be important pi...