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Showing posts with the label tagami vision

David E. Mix Claims City Of Oakland Rigged LLAD Tax Vote

Charlie Pine of " Oakland Residents for Peaceful Neighborhoods ", who was recently interviewed at TagamiVision , and who unsucessfully ran for the at-large seat in the 2008 Oakland City Council race, posted this web article which features the actions of activist David Mix: City Tampered with LLAD Tax Vote The City of Oakland gave a privileged property owner ā€“ the Port of Oakland ā€“ extra votes in the recent mail ballot on a proposed increase of the Landscape and Lighting Assessment (LLAD) tax. ORPN previously reported how the City rigged the LLAD vote with outlandish determinations of how much "benefit" one property or another receives from park maintenance, tree trimming, and street lighting. Although a flagrant violation of any democratic standard, it is not automatically illegal. However, citizen activist David E. Mix has uncovered outright vote tampering. The votes of homeowners, apartments, and other properties were weighted by the proposed increase in their ...

Tagami Vision Has New Home -

Phil Tagami's new online show has a spiffy new blog home at In the first episodes, Tagami interviews several prominent Oaklanders about the crime problem in our city. It's most informative. The web show will have even more content in the near future, and continue to be primarily video-based with occasional blog posts in between. The idea is to bring focus and attention to Oakland's most pressing problems. It comes really from Phil's personal experiences in trying to improve the downtown area he works in. Now, of course, he's got a vested interest in the effort, but his work benefits all of us in bringing the community together. Here's a sample of some video shows on TagamiVision: Phil talks to Police Chief Wayne Tucker.... Part One.. Part Two...