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Showing posts with the label united airlines

United flight turbulence - pilot was a pro!

More at | Follow me on Twitter! | Get my widget! YouTube , MySpace , Metacafe , , StupidVideos , Sclipo and Viddler I've been in Georgia for a week now - most of the time I've been sick - but I'll never forget the flight to get here. Now, I've flown thousands of times and come here each month, but the way this United Airlines flight shook while entering Atlanta airspace scared the heck out of me. Turbulence? Sure. I've felt it before ā€“ a lot actually - but usually during the flight, not at the end of the flight. Apparently the Georgia weather included more than a few storm clouds; because of this our landing was delayed 12 minutes. But then I guess the pilot got cleared to land because we just dived into the most terrible clouds I've seen in a while and all hell broke lose. The plane shook, at one point before the video violently (which is why I turned it on) and the Airbus A319 airframe produced this kind of loud whi...

United Airlines at Denver Airport: Oakland Democrats Get Ready For Lines!

I love United Airlines and have flown them since I was two years old. But currently, United is faced with the same challenges that other carriers face. As the official airline of the DNC Convention, United is on the hook to perform well. The last time I was in Denver for the Invesco visit , there was an enormous customer service line unlike any I've seen before. In this video, I explain how you can avoid that problem. There are several steps: 1) Plan ahead and know what flights are coming in and out. 2) Come to Denver early, like the 23rd of August or the 22nd. 3) Take the Red-Eye. Avoid on-peak hour travel. 4) Get the United customer service number and save it. It's 1-800-864-8331 for domestic flights, and 1-800-426-5561 for Spanish language persons, 1-800-426-5560 for Asian speaking persons, and 1-800-323-0170 for persons who may be deaf or blind. There's no reason why your trip to the DNC Convention can't be a good one. Plan ahead. See you there.