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Showing posts from March, 2006

Bad Poll Numbers Force De La Fuente and Nadel To "Reach" For Negative Campaign Against Dellums

Ignacio De La Fuente and Nancy Nadel, both Oakland Councilmembers and candidates for Mayor, are suffering from terrible poll numbers which spell victory for their competitor, former-Congressman Ron Dellums. Not willing to try a more effective strategy, both Nadel and De La Fuente, both comfortable with political backstabbing techniques, dropped a news story that Dellums served as consultant to the U.S. Military. BIG DEAL. Anyone who knows and has followed Dellums is aware of his incredible knoweldge of the US Armed Forces and his constant calls for a more efficient military. Some -- including the two candidates -- have made the mistake of painting Dellums into a position of one who wants to dismantle the US defense. Not even close. Dellums is a military policy wonk and thus somewhat confusing to those who don't look at the details of life. All of this crying about his lobbying contract has the tinge of desparate campaigns on the wane.

3.8 Earthquake at 1:41 Today - Epicenter? Moraga, CA

Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - Website == PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == California Integrated Seismic Net USGS/ Caltech/ CGS/ UCB/ UCSD/ UNR Version #2: This report supersedes any earlier reports of this event. This is a computer-generated message. This event has not yet been reviewed by a seismologist. A minor earthquake occurred at 1:41:42 PM (PST) on Tuesday, March 21, 2006. The magnitude 3.8 event occurred 6 km (4 miles) SE of Moraga, CA. The hypocentral depth is 13 km ( 8 miles). Magnitude 3.8 - local magnitude (ML) Time Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 1:41:42 PM (PST) Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 21:41:42 (UTC) Distance from Moraga, CA - 6 km (4 miles) SE (129 degrees) Alamo, CA - 6 km (4 miles) SW (215 degrees) Danville, CA - 9 km (5 miles) W (270 degrees) Oakland, CA - 14 km (8 miles) E (82 degrees) San Francisco City Hall, CA - 31 km (19 miles) E (82 degrees) Coordinates 37 deg. 48.7 min. N (37.812N), 122 deg. 4.4 min. W (122.074W) Depth 13.2 km (8.2 miles) Location...

Oakland Mayors Forum Presents Different Views

Well, no sparks here. But just wait Mayoral candidates look to city's future De La Fuente, Dellums, Nadel discuss schools, policing and revitalization By William Brand, STAFF WRITER - OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” The three candidates for mayor offered differing visions of the future of the city Saturday at a well-attended town hall meeting at St. Lawrence O'Toole Catholic Church. Candidates Ignacio De La Fuente and Nancy Nadel emphasized their years of experience on the City Council to combat the star power of retired congressman Ron Dellums. Dellums, who retired from Congress in 1998 after serving the East Bay since 1971, said he would greatly augment Mayor Jerry Brown's plan to bring 10,000 new residents to downtown Oakland to revitalize the area. "Ten-thousand people doesn't get you there," Dellums said. "You've got to think big; there should be 100,000 people downtown; there should be new office buildings, with mixed-use commercial. With 100,000 peo...

Grand Lake Insurance Salesman Gunned Down Friday Morning at 3661 Grand Ave

This is shocking as it's too close to home. But the guys who did this are still around, so be alert. Also, look around and get to know your neighbors. Some think that by keeping their head down it keeps others away. Nope. Best to keep your head up and observe! Here's the Oakland Tribune article below: Killing sends chill through Grand Lake Insurance agent gunned down inside office in area generally thought safe By Kristin Bender and Harry Harris, STAFF WRITERS OAKLAND ā€” The fatal shooting Friday morning of an insurance salesman in his Grand Lake district office has residents and merchants wondering whether the bloodshed usually seen in East and West Oakland is seeping into typically safe areas. Police said Mark Kharmats, 46, of Oakland was shot about 11 a.m. inside his Cal West Insurance office at 3661 Grand Ave. He was rushed to Highland Hospital Oakland, where he died a few hours later. Witnesses said they saw two men running from the two-story office building where th...

Oakland Mayor's Race - Ron Dellums Outpolls Ignacio De La Fuente By A Three-To-One Ratio

I just talked to a long time friend who's a well-known figure in Oakland Politics. When I asked him who he was backing for Mayor, he said "Ignacio's my friend, but he can't beat Ron Dellums (pictured to the left). In polling he's way ahead (of Ignacio) by factor of three-to-one. Dellums has 51 percent, but Ignacio can't get pass 17 percent." When I asked why Ignacio (who's at the left) didn't just drop out of the race considering the terrible poll numbers, my friend says "Ignacio knows this, but is going forward anyway. Ron (Dellums) may have a harder time with (Oakland mayoral candidate Nancy) Nadel." Nancy Nadel's (pictured at right) the true dark horse in this campaign. The District Three Councilmember appeals to the same progressive base as Dellums, doesn't have anywhere near the number of naysayers as De La Fuente, and is female -- an advantage in a city well-known for electing women elected officials. Nancy's one ve...

Ron Dellums Trumps De La Fuente in His Own Back Yard - Oak Trib

The sign of things to come. Dellums is a legend to many regardless of race By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER- OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” Former U.S. Rep. Ron Dellums traveled Wednesday into the heart of the Fruitvale district ā€” his main rival's home turf ā€” and touched off a discussion about the role of race in the race for mayor. At a rally, Dellums enthusiastically picked up the endorsement of Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers. "We're not going to vote for someone who has been there and didn't do the job," Huerta said to applause and cheers. "Ron Dellums is a man of courage who gets right in the middle of difficult issues." As he has throughout the campaign, Dellums pledged to turn Oakland into a model city by increasing the amount of affordable housing to ensure people who live in Oakland are not forced to move by the skyrocketing cost of living. "Each day I get stronger," Dellums said. "We are going on a magnificent...

Peter Van Cleef Clarifies His Story; Says He Was With Mayor Later But Not When Incident Occurred

I went again to talk with Peter Van Cleef, the mercurial owner of Cafe Van Cleef, who orginally claimed he was with Mayor Jerry Brown when the reported conflict between he and an African American woman took place early Sunday morning. On my second visit Van Cleef told me that while he was with Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, it was after the nightclub occurence. He now says didn't see the reported altercation between the Mayor and the patron in front of "17" , the dance club in downtown Oakland. Remember, he specifically stopped me to explain that he was with the Mayor. I'm glad I went back to make sure. He said he talked to Gil Duran, who claimed the Mayor's innocence. But Duran works directly for Jerry, and it is his job to protect his boss reputation and image. I know this, having served as Economic Advisor to Mayor Elihu Harris, and then for Jerry when I worked to bring the 2005 Super Bowl to Oakland. You back your boss, sometimes even when he's not...

The Jerry Brown Incident: "Jerry Brown's Innocent. He Said Nothing Racist Like What Was Reported" - Peter Van Cleef

After a work session that went on longer than I could stand, I pulled away from equations, blogs, and my computer to venture over to Van Cleef's Cafe for a glass of wine over jazz Tuesday night. After one cocktail I was ready to head back home. But as I walked out the door, my friend, Peter Van Cleef, who owns Van Cleef's Cafe -- check the last name -- said "Hey, the night's young, don't go. Besides, I got something to tell you. Jerry's innocent of those charges. I was with him when it happened. He said nothing racist to anyone, at least nothing like what's going to be reported by that woman." Peter then continued to recount their steps, as he was with Mayor Brown, a couple of Oakland Police representatives, and a man that Van Cleef claimed was the doorman at 1015 Folsom. "We walked with Jerry. I was with him the whole way. Nothing like that happened. Yes, Jerry did say something to them, but nothing like that at all." Frankly, I ...

Man and 4- Year Old Son Held Up at 6 PM on Sunday On Van Buren Avenue in Lake Merritt

This was sent via email from a friend in the area One of my friends was held up with a gun yesterday, around 6pm, right on Van Buren close to our driveway, and had to surrender his wallet. He was talking on his cellphone, and had a 4 year old boy with him... The guy who assaulted him wasn't alone. PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD! The police said it was the second attack that afternoon in that street...

Did Ignacio De La Fuente Force The City of Oakland to Steer a Contract to a Company Employing His Daughter?

An unnamed source told me that Oakland Council President worked to steer a $500,000 contract toward an IT company and for work that the City of Oakland didn't need done in 2004. This same person -- a three-decade employee -- told me that De La Fuente made a specific call to the department head screaming at him to "say the right words" to have the contract pass Oakland City Council vote. Why? Because -- again from my source -- Ignacio said "My daughter works for that firm." More soon. Stay tuned.

Woman's Dog Taken From Her On Montecito Ave - Lake Merritt

These people must be caught. Also, people in the neighborhood must not be afraid to get involved. We used to, but lately too many people seem almost anti-social. This is the result as people who think to commit these crimes in our area are more likely to do it if they feel no one will be nosy enough to intervene. Get involved. Dog's abduction, apparent strangulation lead to outpouring of sympathy, calls to help By Susan McDonough, STAFF WRITER OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND -- An outraged public has responded strongly to the story of pet owner Lea Dunn, who put up a fierce struggle last week to save her dog, Princess, from two men who scooped up the tiny Yorkshire terrier at her feet and fled. Princess had been strangled by the time Dunn, a 25-year-old Oakland woman, found the discarded dog, police said. One investigator said police were inundated with calls Wednesday after a story about Dunn and her dog ran in the Oakland Tribune, and the newspaper received numerous messages from con...

Undermaned Oakland Police Force Faces New Crime "Hot Spots"

Amid heated calls to stem violence with more officers, mayor and chief pitch task force to snuff out hot spots By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” The woman began shaking and crying as soon as she started recounting how she and her friends had been robbed, pistol-whipped and assaulted. She shook as she recalled being put on hold by a 9-1-1 operator as she frantically tried to get to her car and away from the young teenagers threatening to open fire. Her question is similar to one people all over Oakland have been asking themselves and elected officials with increasing frequency in recent weeks: "Why shouldn't we sell and move?" On Wednesday, Mayor Jerry Brown and police Chief Wayne Tucker tried to provide an answer by announcing a new task force ofcops will be formed immediately to squelch hot spots before they erupt into full-blown crime waves. "We will let people know Oakland has an aggressive police force and the streets are not a playgrou...