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Showing posts from May, 2006

Jerry Brown's Being Outspent On TV - Bill Bradley

I just read Bill Bradley's new west notes which report that Jerry Brown's being outspent by his AG challenger Rocky Delgadillo on TV ads by $2 milllion to just $400,000 for Jerry Brown. That's a dangerous stat for Jerry, and I hope it's not borne of some arrogance on his part. He says he's being "frugal" -- only Jerry could turn an obvious fact that he just plain thinks he can beat Rocky into yet another personal branding effort, where someone will come away saying "Well Jerry Brown thinks small is beautiful, so that's the reason." Oh, brother.

Adams Point Robbery - On Warrick Avenue Memorial Day

I found this news posted on the Adams Point Yahoo Message Board. I really believe that renters should invest in alarm systems. Thw noise would deter the criminals over time. Imagine hearing the loud siren for blocks. You'd know something was wrong right off the bat. Today, Memorial Day, sometime between 9am and 3 pm, a back unit in apt. bldg. where I live, was broken into and a laptop computer stolen. The robber(s)got in by pushing a green "yard clippings" bin just under the bedroom window and climbing in through a window that had been left slightly ajar. Robber(s) exited through main door of apt. This was in broad daylight, and in full view of a number of condos and apts., plus a house to each side with "vision access." It seems reminiscent of burglary reported for 362 Euclid Ave. on May 20th.

Oakland Mayor's Race - Gotta Admit It's Pretty Interesting

I wish we had this kind of contest when Jerry Brown ran for his second term. But now, we've got a good one and the fur will fly in the next week. Ron Dellums is still the best choice over the two candidates most responsible for Oakland's governmental morale problem. Oakland mayoral candidates making final push De La Fuente, Dellums, Nadel pound pavement to win over undecided voters By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER, OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” With less than two weeks to go until the election, mayoral candidates Ron Dellums, Ignacio De La Fuente and Nancy Nadel are all working at breakneck speed to convert undecided voters and mobilize their supporters. While Dellums, a former congressman, and De La Fuente, the president of the Oakland City Council, talk of winning outright June 6, most observers of the race expect the close contest to result in a November runoff ā€” and Nadel, an Oakland council member, should not be counted out. "I'm pounding the pavement," sai...

Oakland Mayor Candidate Ron Oz Has Ads On The Oakland Tribune Website

Ron Oz, a local business man running for Mayor of Oakland, bought a banner ad located on the top of the Oakland Tribune website. I must admit, it's the first time I've ever seen this. Will it increase his name recognition? Well, every little bit helps. It's a good idea. Oh, don't be surprised if the ads not there in a few weeks. Just note that it was there on the date of this post.

Frank Chong - From Santa Clara - Is New Laney College President - Oakland Tribune

Laney pins high hopes, demands on new president Faculty, students want Frank Chong to be an advocate for Oakland college By Grace Rauh, STAFF WRITER, OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” Frank Chong does not take over as Laney College's new president until July 1, but already it is hard for him to cross the quad or ride a campus elevator unnoticed. On a recent visit from Mission College in Santa Clara, where Chong has been president for three years, giddy faculty members flocked to congratulate him, many acknowledging they rooted for him early this month, when Chong competed against three others for the post. But it was Athletic Director Stan Peters who may have been speaking for the entire college when he ducked into a conference room in Laney's towering administration building last week to tell the new chief he is sure he will do a great job. When Chong answered he would do his best, Peters snapped back: "Don't try. Just get it done." Students and faculty on the campus nea...

Oakland Library Open House Dates For June

From the Oakland Library website Summerā€™s here and the Oakland Public Library invites the entire community to join us for a series of open houses to thank them for their support of Measure Q in 2004 and to discuss future improvements to their neighborhood branches and the Main Library. With more materials on the shelves than ever before, a new online catalog system on the way, and libraries open 6 to 7 days a week, the Oakland Public Library is turning its attention to what facility improvements might be needed to continue to meet the communityā€™s needs for current and future library services. As part of its Master Facilities Planning process, library staff and members of Group 4 Architecture, Research + Planning, the firm helping to prepare the plan, are returning to every neighborhood branch and the Main Library to present recommendations and receive a third round of input from residents. These open houses will take place the first two weekends in June with refreshments and free act...
From the Oakland Library website Summerā€™s here and the Oakland Public Library invites the entire community to join us for a series of open houses to thank them for their support of Measure Q in 2004 and to discuss future improvements to their neighborhood branches and the Main Library. With more materials on the shelves than ever before, a new online catalog system on the way, and libraries open 6 to 7 days a week, the Oakland Public Library is turning its attention to what facility improvements might be needed to continue to meet the communityā€™s needs for current and future library services. As part of its Master Facilities Planning process, library staff and members of Group 4 Architecture, Research + Planning, the firm helping to prepare the plan, are returning to every neighborhood branch and the Main Library to present recommendations and receive a third round of input from residents. These open houses will take place the first two weekends in June with refreshments and free act...

Lenox Av. - Adams Point Rape Case - Second Man, Clyde Aikens, Charged - Oakland Tribune

Second man charged in rape case 18-year-old took part in Oakland kidnapping, robbery but not sexual assault, police say , FROM STAFF REPORTS Inside Bay Area- OAKLAND TRIBUNE OAKLAND ā€” A second suspect was charged Friday for his role in the kidnapping, robbery and rape earlier this month of a 35-year-old woman abducted on her way to visit friends in Adams Point, police said. Although the suspect, Clyde Aikens, 18, took part in the kidnapping and robbery, he was not present when his accomplice sexually assaulted the woman, Sgt. Dom Arotzarena said. Aikens, who was arrested May 24 in San Francisco, was charged Friday by the district attorney's office with kidnapping to commit robbery and car-jacking. The other suspect, 17-year-old Clifton Haynes, was arrested May 5, and is being prosecuted as an adult. He already has been charged with forcible rape, three other sex crimes and the kidnapping to commit robbery and carjacking counts. The two suspects are accused in the May 4 attack on ...

Warning to Ron Dellums Campaign Staffers - Act Like You're Going to Lose The Race

There's an interesting view in some circles that the Dellums campaign staff is so drunk with the idea of victory that they don't work hard enough for their candidate. So, I'm putting that information out there as a warning: work or lose. There's a big rally coming up on the 27th, but that's not enough. You need to walk Oakland. The Ron Dellums website is a great start. Nice job because one can contribute online. Plus, I can get on your email list -- which I did do. Ok, go out and beat the opposition!

Jerry Brown's AG Race Contributions v. Rocky Deligadillo - Summary Reveals

Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown has gained about the same amount of money as his challenger Rocky Delgadillo for this year. But he has an ending cash level that's almost twice that of his LA counterpart. Jerry Brown's summary: CURRENT STATUS ACTIVE LAST REPORT DATE THIS SESSION 05/25/2006 REPORTING PERIOD 03/18/2006 - 05/20/2006 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THIS PERIOD $662,273.60 EXPENDITURES FROM THIS PERIOD $507,038.78 ENDING CASH $4,401,739.03 Rocky Delgadillo's summary: CURRENT STATUS ACTIVE LAST REPORT DATE THIS SESSION 03/22/2006 REPORTING PERIOD 01/01/2006 - 03/17/2006 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THIS PERIOD $612,413.29 EXPENDITURES FROM THIS PERIOD $380,291.60 ENDING CASH $2,603,003.25 I'll get into the details soon, but the money count reveals a campaign that's closer financially than the polling would lead one to believe. Jerry's not blowing Rocky out of the water, even though he is ahead.

Assembly District 16 Race Part 3 - Campaign Contributions For Ronnie Caplane - A Lot Of Piedmonters and Emily's List In Washington DC

Who's Ronnie Caplane? Well, her name recognition's certainly not high, but she's got a lot of money from what I'll call the RGC - Rich Grass Roots. First, Ms. Caplane is a widowed mother of two grown children who resides in Piedmont. She's a trained lawyer and has been involved in public service as a member of the Piedmont School Board and a Commissioner on the California Workersā€™ Compensation Appeals Board. As a result, a significant number of her major contributions come from Piedmont residents like the $3,300 from Otis Spunkmier Cookies Founder and CEO Ken Rawlings, who's' retired. Nice to see Ken's not totally out of public service; his last taste of working with Oakland was his idea for a large kids-oriented ballfield near the Oakland Coliseum. The city really gave him the runaround and it may be that experience which caused him to back Ronnie and not John Russo or Sandre Swanson, even though neither of them was responsible for the outcome of t...