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Showing posts from September, 2013

Michael A Lenoir Of Oakland Is 114th President Of The National Medical Association

According to, Oaklandā€™s Michael A. LeNoir, M.D., a well-known practicing Pediatrician and Allergist in the San Francisco Bay Area, was installed as the 114th president of the National Medical Association during the organizationā€™s 111th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly in Toronto, Canada. The National Medical Association promotes the collective interests of over 32,000 physicians of African descent and is a leading force for parity in medicine, elimination of health disparities and promotion of optimal health. ā€œThere is no superior collective association of physicians or of health professionals to carry out the fight against health disparities, improving the pipeline for African American students. More at  Oaklandā€™s Michael A Lenoir 114th President Of The National Medical Association -