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Showing posts with the label vlog

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Likes Weak Women

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that women should not ask for a raise and just hope that the system will work for them. That means Satya Nadella likes weak women who know their place and don't rock the boat. Wow. What Satya Nadella doesn't get is that because he is the first person of color to run Microsoft many expect him to understand the plight of women and minorities in tech. Well so much for that. Stay tuned. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

St Louis Police Shooting CNN Cover-Up

St Louis Police Shooting where a black teen was shot by a white off-duty cop working his other job as a security guard (which sounds weird because why does he need two jobs?) looks like a cover up. Especially by CNN. There is a witness who says the black teen did not have a fun, but just a sandwich. The cop shot him 17 times. No one at CNN focused on the victim but went with the police story. Why? The St Louis Police did not say that the teen's fingerprints were on the gun. Right? Think about it. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

Thomas Eric Duncan: Did He Spread Ebola?

Thomas Eric Duncan should not have died from the Ebola virus. Now many believe that he got substandard treatment because he is black. But there is another question. There were three days between when Mr Duncan first went to the Dallas Hospital complaining of Ebola, and the time when he came back and the doctors realized he was telling the truth. Who did Thomas Eric Duncan come into contact with during that period of time? Did he possibly infect them? Stay tuned. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

Koret Foundation's Sexism: Susan Koret Called Housekeeper

Koret Foundation Spokesperson Nathan Ballard made a statement that has many up in arms and saying he is sexist. In blasting the Susan Koret's lawsuit against the Koret Foundation Board, Ballard said she "was a housekeeper to Joe Koret and his first wife, Stephanie, and was only married to him for a brief period. Susan is an incompetent director who lacks even a basic understanding of the foundation and it's operations." That comment by Ballard, who represents the Golden State Warriors and California Lt Gov Gavin Newsom, is not just sexist but totally insensitive to the fact that Susan Koret was married to Joe Koret for the last four years of his life to 1982. The problem is Tad Taube has rejected having blacks on the board of The Koret Foundation including Willie Brown and Lennar Urban President Kofi Bonner. And Susan Koret, who is one of the eight board members, says Tad Taube was using the foundation as his personal piggy bank. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus

Susan Koret Sues Koret Foundation President Tad Taube In San Francisco

Susan Koret Sues Koret Foundation President Tad Taube In San Francisco Susan Koret Sues Koret Foundation President Tad Taube: Rebecca Yzaguirre Vlog Rebecca Yzaguirre, Zennie62Media vlogger, gave this account of the Susan Koret Press Conference, where she announced her lawsuit against Tad Taube, the President of The Koret Foundation and the Koret Foundation Board. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

Wonder Woman Theresa Ivancik FBB In Mike's Apple Ale Commercial

Wonder Woman Theresa Ivancik FBB In Mike's Apple Ale Commercial Theresa Ivancik, female bodybuilder out of Butler PA, is making a celebrity name for herself. First, she was in BEST, the British Tabloid Magazine, then in the local Butler Eagle, and earlier this year, the Wonder Woman was featured in a commercial for Mike's Apple Ale. all of this in 2014. Theresa Ivancik is the first FBB to actually use this blogger's 10 year old guidelines to achieve a "Paris Hilton" level of celebrity. Here's that list from 2005: 1) Development of a website and/or blog (a blog is cheaper to start as one can go to -- to use one example -- and start one for free. The result, instant website, but more on this later) 2) Exchanging links with other webmasters to increase the popularity of the webpages, and therefore the total site, with search engines. 3) Add Google AdSense, and affiliate marketing links permitting visitors to buy related items like clothes and book

Thomas Eric Duncan Ebola Patient Dies Due To Racism

Thomas Eric Duncan Ebola Patient Dies Due To Racism Thomas Eric Duncan was the second Ebola patient to die and the first in the United States. Reports are that he went to the Dallas hospital and was said to be "fine" and told to go home. Three days later, he came back and it was found that the Ebola virus had matured in his system. Today, Thomas Eric Duncan died. Of the six Americans who have Ebola, the two who have died are black: Thomas Eric Duncan and Patrick Sawyer. Ashoka Mukpo, Dr. Rick Sacra, Nancy Writebol, and Kent Brantly are all white. We have to look at the impact of institutional racism in this. It's said that Thomas Eric Duncan did not have health insurance, but even with that, for the hospital to just turn him away, even though he said he had been in Liberia and had Ebola is not excusable. It begs the question what would have happened if he were white, or a white woman. There should not be this kind of pattern. The ideal is that no one should die, but to ha

Stephen Collins Of Star Trek Child Molester?

Stephen Collins, famed Star Trek actor, was recorded on tape on TMZ supposedly confessing to child molestation. Stephen Collins is the star of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" where he played Captain Willard Decker against William Shatner as Captain Kirk. I interviewed Collins at The Night Of 100 Stars Oscars Party in 2010. Collins was active in the Hollywood community, where he served on the Screen Actors Guild Board and was a voting member of The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The tape on TMZ has Collins talking with his estranged wife Faye Grant before a therapist and where he seems to be admitting to having a girl touch him inappropriately. We can only hope this is not true but it looks bad. TMZ reports that New York Police are conducting an investigation. And that there are at least three victims. Stay tuned. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

Sierra Club Endorses Annie Campbell Washington For Oakland City Council

Sierra Club Endorses Annie Campbell Washington For Oakland City Council The Sierra Club endorsed Annie Campbell Washington for Oakland City Council District Four earlier this year but sent an email to remind all not only that they did, but that challenger Jill Broadhurst's use of the Sierra Club logo was not allowed by them. My statement was that it was a non-issue because Broadhurst had a strict legal right to state she was a member of the Sierra Club and from a fair use perspective even use their logo. But that is a legal and not a political perspective. From a political perspective it was a stupid action that Broadhurst blamed her campaign aide for doing. Stay tuned. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT

Jukin Media Attacks Fair Use Law

Jukin Media Attacks Fair Use Law Jukin Media both violates and attacks Fair Use Law. In a blog post Jukin's Mike Skogmo, who wasn't even around during journalism's heyday, writes in such a way as to demean citizen journalists and make it as if journalists understand digital media, when they do not. Jukin Media can't be allowed to do this. A video-blog post for Oakland Focus IFTTT