Folks, be aware of this man. An Oakland (California) Adams Point resident posted a message that was completely horrifying. So, without further delay, here it is, in full: I;m posting snips from an email a friend sent me last night. She wants to remain anonymous, but agreed to letting me post these details. Please, be careful when you're out on our streets-- Subject: Re: Screaming on Jayne Avenue about 3 this afternoon. Yes...It was me. Thanks for your kind words... (M)y throat's awfully sore, but I think I'll be okay. Right now, I'm more furious than frightened. I too am sorry you didn't call 911, but I'm thankful lots of other neighbors did. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to scream something like Rape or Fire or Call 911 like you suggested, but frankly, I was so scared, all I could do was scream and keep screaming. ... So here's a description, for those of you who might be interested in keeping an eye out for (and let your neig...