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Megan - Architecture Grad Student - Visits West Oakland For First Time - Video

I saw this video and had to post it. I wondered what Megan was referring to by "preconceived notions" about West Oakland? I mean when a person does a social science project -- which is what this sounds like -- they should write their values and biases down. I'd love this video if it were more revealing than it is. For as long as I can remember, West Oakland's been the focus of many young white architecture and city planning students -- particularly from UC Berkeley (I should know; I got my masters degree in City Planning from Cal). There was even the UC Berekeley / Oakland Economic Forum about 15 years ago, which focused much of its attention on West Oakland. I've heard comments like the one in this video for decades. West Oakland has never been much of a puzzle to me. All it needs is investment. Redevelopment monies should be designed to stimulate construction of industry, but it never is. And I don't mean loans -- grants tied to specific performanc

Jerry Brown Caught Using Mayor's Lincoln For AG Campaign - Video

The leaders of a website and "movement" I guess called "" have produced this video which claims that Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown was using the Mayor's Lincoln -- leased to The City of Oakland by "Cab West LLC" -- to attend a fund-raiser in Sacramento. While the video's contains some dramatic music, one must ask the question is that really the City of Oakland's Lincoln? I didn't match the license plate with the one parked at City Hall, but apparently MoveOnJerry did -- it is. Here's the video: