Regardless, it's been over a year, and we're not closer to a resolution of this question of who murdered Bailey. The Chauncey Bailey Project CBP has done work on the matter, but seems more interested in applying for awards than solving the crime. The CBP staff page includes links to "old media" people in newspapers, but no blogs or bloggers.
So with that, I'm starting The Chauncey Bailey Blogger Project. The main objective of this project is to increase the number of works on this matter and build a list of evidence elements and a resolution.
If you want to participate, research and write about something related to this issue, and tag it "bailey blogger", then write a link to it in the comment section of this blog post. Eventually, I will make a widget to help access these posts.
Let's get a large number of blogs and videos about this going. Let's get to the bottom of this, and avenge Chauncey's name.