No sooner after San Francisco Chronicle Columnist Chip Johnson wrote that California Senator Don Perata's running for Mayor of Oakland , did the written attacks start and right on SF Gate's website. Here's what's been written in the comment section of Carla Marinucci's column:
georgedb3/31/2009 7:37:49 AMGreat. One more 'career' politician as mayor of Oakland. The residents should be just thrilled. Recommend: (10)(1)[Report Abuse] |
moto13/31/2009 8:15:11 AMSweet! Another criminal in office. Recommend: (5)(1)[Report Abuse] |
moto13/31/2009 8:17:48 AMIsn't that the guy who's wheels were stolen after he stole them from taxpayers? Recommend: (7)(1)[Report Abuse] |
historybuff3/31/2009 8:23:03 AMDon Perata has been investigated but never charged; a person is presumed innocent until found guilty by a jury. While not perfect, Perata is at least highly competent and would be a vast improvement over Dellums. The automobile was leased by the State; all legislators have leased cars. The individuals select the cars. The rationale is that they have to travel a lot to and from Sacramento to their districts and around the state. Recommend: (6)(3)[Report Abuse] |
jimmyjamman3/31/2009 8:40:02 AMDuring these troubled times, Oakland need a hard-ass politician. Where's the next Rudolph Guiliani? Recommend: (7)(1)[Report Abuse] |
bluerain3/31/2009 8:59:42 AMAnyone would be better than Dellums! Recommend: (8)(2)[Report Abuse] |
jeighque3/31/2009 9:15:42 AMaaaaaaargh!!! Recommend: (1)(0)[Report Abuse] |
sleddriver3/31/2009 9:34:58 AMIs this the case where Oakland deserves the mayor it gets? Recommend: (1)(0)[Report Abuse] |
anthonious3/31/2009 9:35:50 AMWhile he may mean well... the last thing Oakland needs is another politician looking to keep themselves in office for a few more years. Oakland needs some fresh new blood and someone to help lead this city out of the chasm it has fallen into. Recommend: (0)(0)[Report Abuse] |
Ensuenos3/31/2009 9:37:22 AMRUN DELLUMS, RUN!! as far away as you can. |
And its just going to get worse -- I did not cherry-pick these comments. Perata's online image has already been established and now with his annoucement it's just going to define him more. Can he overcome it? My bet is no. It's far too powerful and more so than he unfortunately understands. Still, it will be fun to watch this unfold.