I just got this email from STAND on the Adams Point Messge Board:
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:10:52 AM
A New Look for Oakland?
Did you know that the City is working on plans to change the zoning for all of Oakland? (This will govern how the new buildings look and how they impact the surrounding community.) It may seem odd at a time when almost all development has halted. However, as everyone knows, this area will recover. And, when it does, what the City decides now will be what we live with then.
STAND has representatives on both the Commercial and Residential zoning task groups and is attending all meetings. We are hoping that the outcome of these meetings will be to encourage moderately scaled projects that preserve our light, air and views, while bringing us sustainable growth. We want to be proud of, and enjoy, the projects these new rules give birth to. Ideally, we want to preserve or enhance what is best about Oakland now.
We are wary, however, because the last few years have brought the super sized / fast profits / bubble growth syndrome that has blighted our neighborhoods; stretched our public services; and congested our streets with dense parking and traffic.
So, the question is: are the rezoning meetings considering the benefits of planning for reasonable parking, height limits, bulk & mass limits, setbacks, and open space areas? Are they looking at the mistakes of the past -- such as building dense condos with tiny studio units that don't sell -- and being more responsible to those who will live with the result for many years?
Our observations so far suggest that more Oakland residents need to get involved. For example, it appears that parking needs are not being addressed in the new zoning proposals. Does "Going Green" mean that the surrounding community is flooded by residents of new buildings without parking. No studies have been done to show that the population is ready to give up their cars. Is the transportation system good enough to support the goal of car free living? It is irresponsible not to address parking issues.
We hope the old tendency to ignore the community has become the way of the past. We look forward to the rezoning effort yielding a road map for the enjoyable and sustainable city where we feel proud to live and work.
This Spring is the time to get involved and make sure these zoning changes are done right. Watch for STAND updates telling you when and where the zoning meetings will be taking place. In the interim, you may find the link shown below to be informative. It gives a great deal of information about the re-zoning process.
http://www.oaklandnet.com/government/ceda/revised/ planningzoning/ ZoningUpdateProject/default. asp
If you chose to email your representatives about your concerns, STAND would appreciate it if you would cc STAND at standnorthoakland@gmail.com