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Like other supporters, I received this email letter from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, but this one was pointed right at one of my favorite subjects: "Who should be Justice David Souter's replacement on the Supreme Court?"
After not much stewing on the matter, I would guess, Senator Boxer wants it officially known: President Obama's choice must be a woman and she's taking to the Internets to make it known. I still favor Kathleen Sullivan for the job so no harm there; this is what Senator Boxer wrote:
Dear Zenophon,
Women make up 51% of our nation's population.
Yet only 17% of the seats in Congress are held by women. Only 3% of corporate CEOs are women. And just one out of nine Supreme Court justices is a woman.
President Obama can change that.
Send an email to the White House now ā and urge President Obama to nominate a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court!
Since Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court four years ago, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been the sole female Justice.
Now, with Justice Souter's recent retirement announcement, President Obama has a chance to nominate an intelligent, well-qualified person to the Supreme Court ā and I believe that person should be a woman.
We need a Supreme Court that is more representative of all Americans, so that its decisions better reflect the diversity of life experiences and points-of-view in America.
Send an email to the White House now ā and urge President Obama to nominate a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court!
Many pundits have warned President Obama to make his choice based on merit ā and I agree. In fact, there are many highly qualified women to choose from.
When 96 percent of all Supreme Court Justices throughout our history have been men, clearly it is evident that we need another woman on the Court.
Send an email to the White House now ā and urge President Obama to nominate a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court!
When asked recently how it felt to be the only woman on the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg simply replied, "Lonely."
It's time to change that.
Thanks for your help.
In Friendship,
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator
Did you get that you're supposed to email President Obama?
I think its important to add that in a diverse society we must have a diverse Supreme Court that can make a contemporary set of laws rather than laws from another less diverse time in America. That written, we have the battle between Latinos, African Americans, women, and according to TIME Magazine's Mark Halperin, white men.
So what to do?
Obama should pick the person who has the best set of qualifications and I just can't see anyone better than Kathleen Sullivan. Period.