I happened to make a cyber trip over to the Oakland blog 38thNotes.com, where the posts are always interesting, if off-beat. This one on a video called "Oakland b Mine" is certainly that.
Reportedly the video was created to be shown at the baggage claim at Oakland Airport. It's in the perfect place for out-of-town visitors to get an immediate idea of what Oakland's all about: diversity.
The video features a man who appears to be Latino chasing after an attractive African American woman he sees in Oakland's airport. While he goes through lengths that are extraordinary to say the least, it's a cute video. I would classify it of the "don't try this at home" variety. You know?
The camera takes us through many familiar spots in Oakland, including the Lake Merritt Farmer's Market, which means it was created on a Saturday.
The video is cool for the cinematography and the music. Check it out, and pass it on!