ADAM SILVER: DONALD STERLING BANNED FROM NBA FOR LIFE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Donald Sterling has just been effectively banned for life from the NBA by NBA Commissioner Adam Silver. In the wake of the LA Clippers Owner's racist remarks as recorded and then posted at last Saturday, and faced with the virtual collapse of the National Basketball Association under the weight of the loss of key sponsors, Adam Silver, the new NBA Commissioner, stood up and took swift and dramatic, but appropriate, action. Donald Sterling not only is not allowed to attend NBA games, he must pay a giant fine of $2.5 million, the proceeds of which will be used to fund the work of anti-discrimination organizations. Adam Silver also said he will force the sale of the Los Angeles Clippers via vote of the Board of Governors of the NBA and a vote of the owners of the teams of the NBA. Never before in the history of sports has a sports commissioner come down as hard on an owner, as Adam Silve...
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