Boston DeCastro, 3-Months-Old, Needs Mixed Caucasian - Filipino Stem Cell Donor - Video Boston DeCastro, 3-Months-Old, Needs Mixed Caucasian - Filipino Stem Cell Donor. He is in a hospital in Winnipeg. Here is the full story from the GoFundMe Page set up for him: Rex and Simone welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world, only 3 months ago, Boston George De Castro. After a recent bone marrow biopsy, Doctors diagnosed Boston with a rare, life threatening disease; Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). It is a severe systemic inflammatory syndrome that can be fatal. As you know, Rex and Simone also have a beautiful two year old daughter, Beatrix, who has also been diagnosed with an extremely rare disease, Neutropenia. The last two years have been filled with multiple hospitalizations and worries, that no parent should have to go through. We hope this page not only provides some monetary relief to the stress and costs associated to living in hospital, but even more, the need for a