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De La Fuente Calls On SMG Instead Of Calling For Task Force On A's Matter

Here's an example of failure in the making. Instead of forming a private sector task force on the A's matter, Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente calls on stadium manager SMG for advice. Anything to put money in SMG's pocket. It makes me wonder what SMG does for them -- tickets to events? That's not right. The Coliseum Authority's enabiling resolution contains a provision to establish a 20-person private sector advisory board. But it's never been done at all. The SF Bay Area has some of the World's top sports business minds, but we in Oakland don't call on them. What's Ignacio afraid of? Good advice? In the days when the Coliseum was ran by Oakland business people, they would get together and devote time to solve the problem. Instead, we get Ignacio making more negative comments about the A's, as in "We make more money without them." Know where they got that idea from? SMG. SMG's not an economics firm --

No Bay Area Olympics; No Bay Area Super Bowl - Anatomy Of A Loser Region

Yesterday, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced that the effort to bring the 2016 Olympics to San Francisco was over. As the head of the Oakland Super Bowl XVIV Bidding Committee, which from 1999 to 2001 worked to bring the Super Bowl to Oakland, I hated to witness that event. I thought San Francisco had its best chance yet to land the Olympic Games because it had a large set of people who seemed to be equally committeed to doing it. The SF 2012 Olympic effort was the largely the story of the work and energy of one person, Anne Cribbs, whereas this time the heavy lifting was spread out more to others. In the case of Oakland's Super Bowl that effort was totally the story of my work and enthusiasm. But in all three cases, one element of Bay Area society came forward again and again: the selfish action of one key player, perfectly timed to wreck the chances of winning. What makes the Bay Area a great place to live is also that which keeps it from really growing as a socie

West Oakland Citizens Fight "Jerry Brown" Gentrification

In their blog of the same name, Brooke and Lian point to a growing movement in West Oakland to reduce the tide of social change driven by gentrification. They point out that since 2000, 20 percent of Oakland's black population has left Oakland, and -- they claim -- most of that departure from West Oakland. There's a campaign to stop this and the leaders of the effort have posted signs and even a large billboard in protest of what is called "predatory development." This has been ignored in the mainstream media, with people like the East Bay Express' Chris Thompson calling retailers like Walgreens champions of urban development, but offering no proof to back his claim. Still, the drive -- as uncoordinated as it seems to be -- moves on. My prediction is that it will eventually lead to the first full scale riot Oakland has ever seen. All of the drivers are in place: wildly disparant income levels, high crime, poor neighborhood job opportunities, angry police off

Adams Point - Burglary on Bellevue and Van Buren Avenues

This was posted on the "local" Yahoo! Message Board Earlier this evening [Thursday night], one of the ground-floor apartments in our building was burglarized. We are at 405 Blellevue, which is at the corner of Bellevue and Van Buren. The thief[ves] came in through the window and exited through the front door. No one saw or heard anything. The tenant came home around 2:30 a.m. so we're not exactly sure when it happened, but we think it was around midnight. The burglar(s) took an Apple laptop, iPod, and a Dark Blue LeMond road bike, as well as some small personal items. The also took a red suitcase, presumably to carry the smaller loot. The thief could still be out in the neighborhood with these items. The tenant said that last night they awoke to a knocking. At the time, they thought it was the front door, so they went to the door to find no one there. It seemed peculair, but at the time they thought it was maybe the wind or something else that made the sound. Now, in retr

Councilmember Pat Kernighan Says She's Ready To Keep The A's

I just found this video while looking for other content, and wondered why Councilmember Pat Kernighan's staff didn't place it on her website. In this video, made by the "Choose Or Loose The Oakland A's" effort, the District Two representative says she will raise the matter of the retention of the A's to the level of public discussion. Well, Pat, lets' get started! Here's the video:

SF Mayor Newsom Fights To Keep Niners; Oakland Mayor Dellums Doesn't Fight At All For A's

The San Francisco 49ers annouce they're going to move -- or try to move -- to Santa Clara (and to a parking lot and an area rife with environmental impact issues). SF Mayor Gavin Newsom says he will fight to keep the 49ers in San Francisco, and to that end, he's already dispatched SF City Attorney Dennis Herrera to build a case that will do so. Meanwhile, Lew Wolff annouces a deal to move the Oakland A's to Fremont, and Oakland Mayor-Elect Ron Dellums (yep, I'm calling him out since Jerry's now Attorney General) and Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente do nothing. In fact, De La Fuente thinks there's nothing that can be done. Boy is he wrong. At about this point, I'd give the free advice that Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty told me I was giving and Ignacio told the SF Chronicle he doesn't listen too, but I'm not gonna do that. Instead, I'm going to rag on both Dellums and De La Fuente for a lack of pride and a poor

Aimee Allison, Talk To The Press!

Aimee, according to this Tribune article below, your not talking to the press in the wake of your District Two loss. This is a big mistake. Aimee, I know you're upset, but the future of your political life in Oakland started the very second you knew you were going to lose to Councilmember Kernighan. In order to set a path for your proper growth in Oakland politics, talk to the press, don't blame people for the loss, call Pat and congratulate her, and pledge to help her. In short, don't hold a grudge. Move on. What political capital you've generated will vanish if you come off like a sore loser. Let's see a more upbeat article about you than what appears here... Kernighan hangs on to her seat with runoff By Heather MacDonald, STAFF WRITER - OAKLAND TRIBUNE Article Last Updated:11/09/2006 02:59:04 AM PST OAKLAND — After two elections, an avalanche of campaign mail and bruising personal attacks, Patricia Kernighan won the Grand Lake-Chinatown seat on the Oakl