Say DNCC Press Why The Bad Blogger Treatment? #DemocraticConvention - Video DNCC Press Bad Blogger Treatment before Democratic Convention Say Democratic Party Why Is The Press Credentialing Process So Bad? #DNC2016 I have covered the last two Democratic National Conventions in 2008 and in 2012. This year my media output and coverage is broader than ever before. I am on the White House Press List. With all of that, you would think the folks running the store for the press over at the Democratic Party would have no problem granting a credential for a third year, right? Well I applied in February and waited and waited. Then I called last week - May 23rd. A fellow said he would take my name and information and they would follow up. They followed up alright. With a rejection email. So I am being punished for calling to ask about my credential? I will not go quietly into the night. via IFTTT
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